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A repo to play with the CesiumJS Libraries and built a flight tracker!

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A repo to build a flight tracker and to learn how Cesium libraries use their data to render 3D models... 🚀

Lets fly from US to Europe.

Feel free to clone the repo and open the code in the local server.

The data allows you to follow a flight from San Francisco to Copenhagen ✈️

Issues form

The following code block from the 'flight planner' doesn't work ❌

// Keep your `Cesium.Ion.defaultAccessToken = 'your_token_here'` line from before here. 
const viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer', {
  terrain: Cesium.Terrain.fromWorldTerrain(),
const osmBuildings = await Cesium.createOsmBuildingsAsync();

Instead, use this... ✅

These code snippets are a breakdown of the file extensions cesium world terrain , cesium OSM buildings and bing maps arial imagery

Cesium World Terrain ~ With water Mask extension

  • fuses data sources into single quantized-mesh terrain tilesets for 3D visuals

Cesium OSM Buildings

  • 3D building rendering derived from OpenStreetMap

Bing Maps Arial ~ With 'labels' extension

  • world imagery for urban areas with down to 15cm resolution
Cesium.Ion.defaultAccessToken =
    "YOUR PASS KEY - Paste it here";
       const viewer = new Cesium.Viewer("cesiumContainer", {
        // 3D terrain render
    terrainProvider: Cesium.createWorldTerrain({
        requestWaterMask: true,
        // Bing world with labels
    imageryProvider: Cesium.createWorldImagery({
        style: Cesium.IonWorldImageryStyle.AERIAL_WITH_LABELS,
    // 3D buildings render

Use Cartesian3.fromDegrees to convert Lat / Long / Height => X, Y & Z

// These are all the radar points from this flight.
const flightData = JSON.parse(
    <!-- LAT, LONG & HEIGHT: API DATA-->
// Create a point for each.
for (let i = 0; i < flightData.length; i++) {
  const dataPoint = flightData[i];

    description: `Location: (${dataPoint.longitude}, ${dataPoint.latitude}, ${dataPoint.height})`,
    position: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(dataPoint.longitude, dataPoint.latitude, dataPoint.height),
    point: { pixelSize: 10, color: Cesium.Color.RED }

TO DO ...👆

Create a main.js

put the data into a seperate file

- .js file will do for now
- .JSON later, then we will have to use .parse()

import the data into the main.js

- no need to parse because it's already a JS object!

render the rest of the Cesium library in main.js

- plus the rest of the code and data interpretation 

attach main.js at the SRC in the script tags for HTML page


A repo to play with the CesiumJS Libraries and built a flight tracker!







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