A university-based vehicle rental web-based system that gives the opportunity to students who own vehicles to earn extra income by leasing their vehicles, whereas those who do not own a vehicle are able to rent one easily through the system. The system mainly plays the role of a man in the middle between vehicle owners and customers.
User types: 1. Vehicle owner 2. Customer
Note: Users are not asked to select one type only, as they can be both (customers or vehicle owners) based on the function they perform. In addition, users should be university students as they have to use their university emails which includes (.edu) to be able to register in the system.
Vehicle owner’s functions
- Add their vehicles
- Update their vehicles information
- Change availability status
- Remove their vehicles
Customer’s functions
- Search for available vehicles
- Book vehicles (with customized date and time)
As soon as a vehicle is booked, the owner will be notified automatically via email. The email includes the customer’s address and contact information. It is then the responsibility of the owner to contact the customer and deliver the vehicle to them. Finally, for the services provided by “UKM VRS”, 10% of the total price paid to vehicles owners by customers shall be paid to VRS owners.
P.S. “UKM VRS” is managed perfectly through “VRS Admin” system, which was developed with tons of management features and some data visualization figures to enable admins to control the system properly and easily. Check VRS Admin if you wish.