- Given a monophonic midi file of a melody. Generate an accompaniment for the melody by using an evolutionary algorithm.
- The accompaniment should be represented by a sequence of chords, each chord should contain three notes.
- We set a fixed length of the chords, so we can have a smaller search space.
- The fixed length of each chord in the individual is one quarter.
- We have the following representation:
- Population: list of individuals.
- Individual: list of chords.
- Chord: list that consists of 3 notes.
- Note: an integer number that represents the midi value of a note.
- We want an accompaniment that compliments the original melody. And to achieve that we need to:
- Be similar to the original melody in terms of flow.
- Not be in the same octave as the original melody to avoid dissonance.
- Have the chords follow the original melody's key.
- Avoid having the same chord played consecutively for too long.
- To ensure progress in each generation:
- We keep the best 50% of the previous generation.
- We produce the other 50% of the population from the best 50% of the previous generation.
- To ensure variation in each generation:
- We have a relatively high mutation probability which is 5% for each chord in the individual.
- We mutate by replacing a chord in the individual with an entirely new random chord.
- The program takes an input midi file (*.mid) that consists of melody and applies genetic programming(evolutionary algorithm) to generate an accompaniment consisting of several three note chords(triads) that would sound pleasing while played with the input melody.
- Python 3.8
- Python library mido
- Used to parse the input midi file to readable values of notes and times.
- Used to write the output file using the tracks of the input and the generated accompaniment.
- Python library music21
- Used to detect the key of the input melody to help us in the fitness function.
- Python library numpy and random
- Used to help us execute various random operations.
- The population is represented as a list of possible individuals (accompaniments).
- Each individual is a list of N chords , the individual represents a possible solution to the problem.
- Each chord is a list of 3 notes, the chord represents a chord from the following set of chords:
- Major triad, Minor triad.
- First inverted major triad, First inverted minor triad.
- Second inverted major triad, Second inverted minor triad.
- Diminished chord.
- Suspended second chord.
- Suspended fourth chord.
- Rest.
- Each note is an integer number that represents the midi value of a specific note.
- Each chord object is played for one quarter duration which equals 384 in the mido library time units.
Fitness function:
- The fitness value of an individual depends on three aspects:
- The similarity of each chord in the individual to the average note played in the same quarter of the original melody in a lower octave.
- While for empty quarters we calculate the similarity to the average note played in the next quarter that does play some notes.
- To avoid dissonance we change the target average we want to reach to the same melody but shifted 2 octaves below the original melody.
- For example if we have an average note played in a quarter of the original melody that is equal to C5. We make the targeted average be C3.
- The existence of each chord of the individual in the possible chords we can compose out of the original melody key.
- Based on that a valid chord of some key is three notes that start from a root note in the table and between a pair of consecutive notes we skip a note. e.g : I-iii-V in major, i-III-v in minor.
- The similarity of each chord in the individual to the previous two chords in the individual. Where we:
- Punish the individual for having more than two consecutive chords that are the same.
- Reward the individual for having exactly two consecutive chords that are the same.
- The similarity of each chord in the individual to the average note played in the same quarter of the original melody in a lower octave.
- The fitness value of an individual depends on three aspects:
Selection technique:
- Selection method: Tournament.
- The selection phase selects half of the population to remain, the other half we remove from the population.
- Selection process:
- We select half of the population based on a random tournament bracket, where random pairs of individuals are put ahead of each other.
- The Winner gets added to the next population.
- The Loser is removed fully.
- We select half of the population based on a random tournament bracket, where random pairs of individuals are put ahead of each other.
Crossover technique:
- Crossover method: n-point crossover.
- The crossover phase chooses two random parents from the selected individuals. And they mate and produce two children.
- Mating process:
- We iterate through the chords of the parents and do the following with a 50% probability:
- Child1 gets the chord from Parent1, Child2 gets the chord from Parent2.
- Child1 gets the chord from Parent2, Child2 gets the chord from Parent1.
- We iterate through the chords of the parents and do the following with a 50% probability:
Mutation technique:
- Mutation method: replacement of a chord with a random new one.
- The mutation phase takes the new children produced by the crossover phase, mutates them, and then returns the mutated children.
- Mutation process:
- We iterate through the chords of the child and with a 5% probability:
- we replace the current chord with a new random chord based on a random root and a random octave
- We iterate through the chords of the child and with a 5% probability:
Population Size:
- Population size = 1024
- The population size is set before running the evolutionary algorithm, and at the end of each generation we get a new population with the same size.
- The population size I found most suitable is 1024, because:
- Less than that might lead to getting stuck in local maxima.
- More than that would make the code very slow.
- The population size needs to be a number that is divisible by two because:
- The selection phase selects half of the population size
- The crossover and mutation phases generates a new half of the population
- If the population size is not an even number some errors might occur.
Stopping Criteria:
- Due to the fact that there is no clear definition of "perfect" music, I opted with the maximum number of generations method.
- The maximum number of generation method makes the evolution run for a set number of generations and then terminates.
Number of generations:
- Maximum number of generations = 5000
- The number of generations I found most suitable is 5000, because :
- Less than that would not lead to a relatively good generation.
- More than that would not lead to a significantly better generation.
Generation Time:
- The generation time depends on:
- Population size.
- Length of individuals.
- Number of generations.
- On average the generation times for each input is:
- Input 1:
- Population size = 1024
- Length of individual = 29 chords
- Number of generations = 5000
- Generation time = 20 minutes
- Input 2:
- Population size = 1024
- Length of individual = 32 chords
- Number of generations = 5000
- Generation time = 23 minutes
- Input 3:
- Population size = 1024
- Length of individual = 44 chords
- Number of generations = 5000
- Generation time = 36 minutes
- Input 1:
- The generation time depends on: