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remove rsync docs #8985
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pdurbin committed Jun 7, 2024
1 parent 8fec351 commit ace254b
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Showing 8 changed files with 7 additions and 244 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions doc/release-notes/
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Support for rsync has been deprecated. Information has been removed from the guides for rsync and related software such as Data Capture Module (DCM) and Repository Storage Abstraction Layer (RSAL). You can still find this information in [older versions]( of the guides.

This file was deleted.

4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions doc/sphinx-guides/source/api/native-api.rst
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Expand Up @@ -2315,7 +2315,7 @@ The fully expanded example above (without environment variables) looks like this
curl ""
Currently implemented lock types are ``Ingest``, ``Workflow``, ``InReview``, ``DcmUpload``, ``finalizePublication``, ``EditInProgress`` and ``FileValidationFailed``.
Currently implemented lock types are ``Ingest``, ``Workflow``, ``InReview``, ``DcmUpload`` (deprecated), ``finalizePublication``, ``EditInProgress`` and ``FileValidationFailed``.

The API will output the list of locks, for example::

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2406,7 +2406,7 @@ Use the following API to list ALL the locks on all the datasets in your installa
The listing can be filtered by specific lock type **and/or** user, using the following *optional* query parameters:

* ``userIdentifier`` - To list the locks owned by a specific user
* ``type`` - To list the locks of the type specified. If the supplied value does not match a known lock type, the API will return an error and a list of valid lock types. As of writing this, the implemented lock types are ``Ingest``, ``Workflow``, ``InReview``, ``DcmUpload``, ``finalizePublication``, ``EditInProgress`` and ``FileValidationFailed``.
* ``type`` - To list the locks of the type specified. If the supplied value does not match a known lock type, the API will return an error and a list of valid lock types. As of writing this, the implemented lock types are ``Ingest``, ``Workflow``, ``InReview``, ``DcmUpload`` (deprecated), ``finalizePublication``, ``EditInProgress`` and ``FileValidationFailed``.

For example:

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178 changes: 1 addition & 177 deletions doc/sphinx-guides/source/developers/big-data-support.rst
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Big Data Support

Big data support includes some highly experimental options. Eventually more of this content will move to the Installation Guide.
Big data support includes some experimental options. Eventually more of this content will move to the Installation Guide.

.. contents:: |toctitle|
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,179 +187,3 @@ As described in that document, Globus transfers can be initiated by choosing the
An overview of the control and data transfer interactions between components was presented at the 2022 Dataverse Community Meeting and can be viewed in the `Integrations and Tools Session Video <>`_ around the 1 hr 28 min mark.

See also :ref:`Globus settings <:GlobusSettings>`.

Data Capture Module (DCM)

Please note: The DCM feature is deprecated.

Data Capture Module (DCM) is an experimental component that allows users to upload large datasets via rsync over ssh.

DCM was developed and tested using Glassfish but these docs have been updated with references to Payara.

Install a DCM

Installation instructions can be found at Note that shared storage (posix or AWS S3) between your Dataverse installation and your DCM is required. You cannot use a DCM with Swift at this point in time.

.. FIXME: Explain what ``dataverse.files.dcm-s3-bucket-name`` is for and what it has to do with ``dataverse.files.s3.bucket-name``.
Once you have installed a DCM, you will need to configure two database settings on the Dataverse installation side. These settings are documented in the :doc:`/installation/config` section of the Installation Guide:

- ``:DataCaptureModuleUrl`` should be set to the URL of a DCM you installed.
- ``:UploadMethods`` should include ``dcm/rsync+ssh``.

This will allow your Dataverse installation to communicate with your DCM, so that your Dataverse installation can download rsync scripts for your users.

Downloading rsync scripts via Your Dataverse Installation's API

The rsync script can be downloaded from your Dataverse installation via API using an authorized API token. In the curl example below, substitute ``$PERSISTENT_ID`` with a DOI or Handle:

``curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: $API_TOKEN" $DV_BASE_URL/api/datasets/:persistentId/dataCaptureModule/rsync?persistentId=$PERSISTENT_ID``

How a DCM reports checksum success or failure to your Dataverse Installation

Once the user uploads files to a DCM, that DCM will perform checksum validation and report to your Dataverse installation the results of that validation. The DCM must be configured to pass the API token of a superuser. The implementation details, which are subject to change, are below.

The JSON that a DCM sends to your Dataverse installation on successful checksum validation looks something like the contents of :download:`checksumValidationSuccess.json <../_static/installation/files/root/big-data-support/checksumValidationSuccess.json>` below:

.. literalinclude:: ../_static/installation/files/root/big-data-support/checksumValidationSuccess.json
:language: json

- ``status`` - The valid strings to send are ``validation passed`` and ``validation failed``.
- ``uploadFolder`` - This is the directory on disk where your Dataverse installation should attempt to find the files that a DCM has moved into place. There should always be a ``files.sha`` file and a least one data file. ``files.sha`` is a manifest of all the data files and their checksums. The ``uploadFolder`` directory is inside the directory where data is stored for the dataset and may have the same name as the "identifier" of the persistent id (DOI or Handle). For example, you would send ``"uploadFolder": "DNXV2H"`` in the JSON file when the absolute path to this directory is ``/usr/local/payara6/glassfish/domains/domain1/files/10.5072/FK2/DNXV2H/DNXV2H``.
- ``totalSize`` - Your Dataverse installation will use this value to represent the total size in bytes of all the files in the "package" that's created. If 360 data files and one ``files.sha`` manifest file are in the ``uploadFolder``, this value is the sum of the 360 data files.

Here's the syntax for sending the JSON.

``curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: $API_TOKEN" -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --upload-file checksumValidationSuccess.json $DV_BASE_URL/api/datasets/:persistentId/dataCaptureModule/checksumValidation?persistentId=$PERSISTENT_ID``

Steps to set up a DCM mock for Development

See instructions at

Add Dataverse Installation settings to use mock (same as using DCM, noted above):

- ``curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:DataCaptureModuleUrl -X PUT -d "http://localhost:5000"``
- ``curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:UploadMethods -X PUT -d "dcm/rsync+ssh"``

At this point you should be able to download a placeholder rsync script. Your Dataverse installation is then waiting for news from the DCM about if checksum validation has succeeded or not. First, you have to put files in place, which is usually the job of the DCM. You should substitute "X1METO" for the "identifier" of the dataset you create. You must also use the proper path for where you store files in your dev environment.

- ``mkdir /usr/local/payara6/glassfish/domains/domain1/files/10.5072/FK2/X1METO``
- ``mkdir /usr/local/payara6/glassfish/domains/domain1/files/10.5072/FK2/X1METO/X1METO``
- ``cd /usr/local/payara6/glassfish/domains/domain1/files/10.5072/FK2/X1METO/X1METO``
- ``echo "hello" > file1.txt``
- ``shasum file1.txt > files.sha``

Now the files are in place and you need to send JSON to your Dataverse installation with a success or failure message as described above. Make a copy of ``doc/sphinx-guides/source/_static/installation/files/root/big-data-support/checksumValidationSuccess.json`` and put the identifier in place such as "X1METO" under "uploadFolder"). Then use curl as described above to send the JSON.


The following low level command should only be used when troubleshooting the "import" code a DCM uses but is documented here for completeness.

``curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: $API_TOKEN" -X POST "$DV_BASE_URL/api/batch/jobs/import/datasets/files/$DATASET_DB_ID?uploadFolder=$UPLOAD_FOLDER&totalSize=$TOTAL_SIZE"``

Repository Storage Abstraction Layer (RSAL)

Please note: The RSAL feature is deprecated.

Steps to set up a DCM via Docker for Development


Using the RSAL Docker Containers

- Create a dataset (either with the procedure mentioned in DCM Docker Containers, or another process)
- Publish the dataset (from the client container): ``cd /mnt; ./publish_major.bash ${database_id}``
- Run the RSAL component of the workflow (from the host): ``docker exec -it rsalsrv /opt/rsal/scn/``
- If desired, from the client container you can download the dataset following the instructions in the dataset access section of the dataset page.

Configuring the RSAL Mock

Info for configuring the RSAL Mock:

Also, to configure your Dataverse installation to use the new workflow you must do the following (see also the :doc:`workflows` section):

1. Configure the RSAL URL:

``curl -X PUT -d 'http://<myipaddr>:5050' http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:RepositoryStorageAbstractionLayerUrl``

2. Update workflow json with correct URL information:

Edit internal-httpSR-workflow.json and replace url and rollbackUrl to be the url of your RSAL mock.

3. Create the workflow:

``curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/workflows -X POST --data-binary @internal-httpSR-workflow.json -H "Content-type: application/json"``

4. List available workflows:

``curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/workflows``

5. Set the workflow (id) as the default workflow for the appropriate trigger:

``curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/workflows/default/PrePublishDataset -X PUT -d 2``

6. Check that the trigger has the appropriate default workflow set:

``curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/workflows/default/PrePublishDataset``

7. Add RSAL to whitelist

8. When finished testing, unset the workflow:

``curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/admin/workflows/default/PrePublishDataset``

Configuring download via rsync

In order to see the rsync URLs, you must run this command:

``curl -X PUT -d 'rsal/rsync' http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:DownloadMethods``

.. TODO: Document these in the Installation Guide once they're final.
To specify replication sites that appear in rsync URLs:

Download :download:`add-storage-site.json <../../../../scripts/api/data/storageSites/add-storage-site.json>` and adjust it to meet your needs. The file should look something like this:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../../scripts/api/data/storageSites/add-storage-site.json

Then add the storage site using curl:

``curl -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/admin/storageSites --upload-file add-storage-site.json``

You make a storage site the primary site by passing "true". Pass "false" to make it not the primary site. (id "1" in the example):

``curl -X PUT -d true http://localhost:8080/api/admin/storageSites/1/primaryStorage``

You can delete a storage site like this (id "1" in the example):

``curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/admin/storageSites/1``

You can view a single storage site like this: (id "1" in the example):

``curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/storageSites/1``

You can view all storage site like this:

``curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/storageSites``

In the GUI, this is called "Local Access". It's where you can compute on files on your cluster.

``curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:LocalDataAccessPath -X PUT -d "/programs/datagrid"``

10 changes: 1 addition & 9 deletions doc/sphinx-guides/source/installation/config.rst
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Expand Up @@ -4241,23 +4241,15 @@ This setting controls which upload methods are available to users of your Datave

- ``native/http``: Corresponds to "Upload with HTTP via your browser" and APIs that use HTTP (SWORD and native).
- ``dvwebloader``: Corresponds to :ref:`folder-upload`. Note that ``dataverse.files.<id>.upload-redirect`` must be set to "true" on an S3 store for this method to show up in the UI. In addition, :ref:`:WebloaderUrl` must be set. CORS allowed on the S3 bucket. See :ref:`cors-s3-bucket`.
- ``dcm/rsync+ssh``: Corresponds to "Upload with rsync+ssh via Data Capture Module (DCM)". A lot of setup is required, as explained in the :doc:`/developers/big-data-support` section of the Developer Guide.

Out of the box only ``native/http`` is enabled and will work without further configuration. To add multiple upload method, separate them using a comma like this:

``curl -X PUT -d 'native/http,dcm/rsync+ssh' http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:UploadMethods``
``curl -X PUT -d 'native/http,dvwebloader' http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:UploadMethods``

You'll always want at least one upload method, so the easiest way to remove one of them is to simply ``PUT`` just the one you want, like this:

``curl -X PUT -d 'native/http' http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:UploadMethods``


This setting is experimental and related to Repository Storage Abstraction Layer (RSAL).

``curl -X PUT -d 'rsal/rsync' http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:DownloadMethods``


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34 changes: 2 additions & 32 deletions doc/sphinx-guides/source/user/dataset-management.rst
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Expand Up @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ HTTP Upload is a common browser-based file upload tool you may be familiar with

Once you have uploaded files, you will be able to edit file metadata, restrict access to files [#f1]_ , and/or add tags. Click "Save Changes" to complete the upload. If you uploaded a file by mistake, you can delete it before saving by clicking the checkbox to select the file, and then clicking the "Delete" button above the Files Table.

File upload limit size varies based on Dataverse installation. The file upload size limit can be found in the text above the HTTP upload widget. If you need to upload a very large file or a very large *number* of files, consider using rsync + SSH upload if your Dataverse installation offers it.
File upload limit size varies based on Dataverse installation. The file upload size limit can be found in the text above the HTTP upload widget. If you need to upload a very large file or a very large *number* of files, consider using DVUploader (see :ref:`DVUploader`).

.. [#f1] Some Dataverse installations do not allow this feature.
Expand All @@ -100,37 +100,7 @@ Folder Upload

Some Dataverse installations support the ability to upload files from a local folder and subfolders. To do this, click the "Upload from Folder" button, select the folder you wish to upload, select/unselect specific files, and click "Start Uploads". More detailed instructions are available in the `DVWebloader wiki <>`_.

.. _rsync_upload:

rsync + SSH Upload

rsync is typically used for synchronizing files and directories between two different systems, using SSH to connect rather than HTTP. Some Dataverse installations allow uploads using rsync, to facilitate large file transfers in a reliable and secure manner.

File Upload Script

An rsync-enabled Dataverse installation has a file upload process that differs from the traditional browser-based upload process you may be used to. In order to transfer your data to the Dataverse installation's storage, you will need to complete the following steps:

1. Create your dataset. In rsync-enabled Dataverse installations, you cannot upload files until the dataset creation process is complete. After you hit "Save Dataset" on the Dataset Creation page, you will be taken to the page for your dataset.

2. On the dataset page, click the "+ Upload Files" button. This will open a box with instructions and a link to the file upload script.

3. Make sure your files are ready for upload. You will need to have one directory that you can point the upload script to. All files in this directory and in any subdirectories will be uploaded. The directory structure will be preserved, and will be reproduced when your dataset is downloaded from the Dataverse installation. Note that your data will be uploaded in the form of a data package, and each dataset can only host one such package. Be sure that all files you want to include are present before you upload.

4. Download the rsync file upload script by clicking the "Download Script" button in the Upload Files instruction box. There are no requirements for where you save the script; put it somewhere you can find it. Downloading the upload script will put a temporary lock on your dataset to prepare it for upload. While your dataset is locked, you will not be able to delete or publish your dataset, or edit its metadata. Once you upload your files and Dataverse installation processes them, your dataset will be automatically unlocked and these disabled functions will be enabled again. If you have downloaded the script and locked your dataset, but you have then changed your mind and decided *not* to upload files, please contact Support about unlocking your dataset.

5. To begin the upload process, you will need to run the script you downloaded. For this, you will have to go outside your browser and open a terminal (AKA command line) window on your computer. Use the terminal to navigate to the directory where you saved the upload script, and run the command that the Upload Files instruction box provides. This will begin the upload script. Please note that this upload script will expire 7 days after you downloaded it. If it expires and you still need to use it, simply download the script from the Dataverse installation again.

**Note:** Unlike other operating systems, Windows does not come with rsync supported by default. We have not optimized this feature for Windows users, but you may be able to get it working if you install the right Unix utilities. (If you have found a way to get this feature working for you on Windows, you can contribute it to our project. Please reference our `Contributing to the Dataverse Project <>`_ document in the root of the source tree.)

6. Follow the instructions provided by the upload script running in your terminal. It will direct you to enter the full path of the directory where your dataset files are located, and then it will start the upload process. Once you've initiated the upload, if you need to cancel it then you can do so by canceling the script running in your terminal window. If your upload gets interrupted, you can resume it from the same point later.

7. Once the upload script completes its job, the Dataverse installation will begin processing your data upload and running a checksum validation. This may take some time depending on the file size of your upload. During processing, you will see a blue bar at the bottom of the dataset page that reads "Upload in progress..."

8. Once processing is complete, you will be notified. At this point you can publish your dataset and your data will be available for download on the dataset page.

**Note:** A dataset can only hold one data package. If you need to replace the data package in your dataset, contact Support.
.. _DVUploader:

Command-line DVUploader
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