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This is the C version of the IO500 benchmark.


The program interfaces directly with IOR/MDtest and pfind. To retrieve the required packages and compile the library version, run

$ ./

Then you can compile the io500 application running make.


The benchmark requires a .ini file containing the options. The .ini file is structured in sections depending on the phase.

Detailed help for the available options is provided when running:

$ ./io500 -h
Synopsis: ./io500 <INI file> [-v=<verbosity level>] [--dry-run]

The benchmark output the commands it would run (equivalence of command line invocations of ior/mdtest). Use --dry-run to not invoke any command.

In order to create a new INI file with all the options, you can execute:

$ ./io500 --list > config-all.ini

The config-some illustrates the setting of various options. For more details, run ./io500 -h.

To see the currently active options, run:

$ ./io500 <file.ini> -h

Integrity check

After a run is completed, the score obtained and the configuration file can be verified to ensure that it wasn't accidentially modified.

You can either use the full-featured io500 application:

$ ./io500 config-test-run.ini  --verify result.txt
config-hash = 1065C0D
score-hash  = C97CC873
[OK] But this is an invalid run!

Or the lightweight verification tool which has fewer dependencies:

$ ./io500-verify config-test-run.ini result.txt


  • The benchmark will output a default set of information in the INI format to simplify parsing. When setting verbosity to 5, you will receive more information.
  • It also stores the output files from IOR and MDTest in the results/ subdirectory with the timestamp of the run.

Example output on the command line

The following is the minimal output when setting verbosity to 0

$ mpiexec -np 2   ./io500 config-minimal.ini
[RESULT]       ior-easy-write        0.186620 GiB/s  : time 0.027 seconds
[RESULT]    mdtest-easy-write      103.300821 kIOPS : time 1.121 seconds
[RESULT]       ior-hard-write        0.001313 GiB/s  : time 0.067 seconds
[RESULT]    mdtest-hard-write       58.939081 kIOPS : time 1.021 seconds
[RESULT]                 find     1486.435084 kIOPS : time 0.118 seconds
[RESULT]        ior-easy-read        1.575557 GiB/s  : time 0.005 seconds
[RESULT]     mdtest-easy-stat      839.392805 kIOPS : time 0.138 seconds
[RESULT]        ior-hard-read        2.272671 GiB/s  : time 0.000 seconds
[RESULT]     mdtest-hard-stat     1212.558124 kIOPS : time 0.050 seconds
[RESULT]   mdtest-easy-delete      160.765642 kIOPS : time 0.753 seconds
[RESULT]     mdtest-hard-read      275.011939 kIOPS : time 0.219 seconds
[RESULT]   mdtest-hard-delete      132.015851 kIOPS : time 0.474 seconds
[SCORE INVALID] Bandwidth 0.172092 GB/s : IOPS 292.625029 kiops : TOTAL 7.096374

This information is also saved in the file result_summary.txt in the respective results directory.

In the same directory, you will also find the result.txt file that contains more information and is stored using the INI file format.

version         = SC20-testing
config-hash     = 25C33C96
result-dir      = ./results/
; START 2020-01-06 10:23:49
; ERROR INVALID stonewall-time != 300

t_start         = 2020-01-06 10:23:49
exe             = ./ior -C -Q 1 -g -G 271 -k -e -o ./out//ior-easy/ior_file_easy -O stoneWallingStatusFile=./out//ior-easy/stonewall -O stoneWallingWearOut=1 -t 2m -b 2m -F -w -D 1 -a POSIX
; ERROR INVALID Write phase needed 0.020932s instead of stonewall 1s. Stonewall was hit at 0.0s
throughput-stonewall = 0.37
score           = 0.186620
; ERROR INVALID Runtime of phase (0.027088) is below stonewall time. This shouldn't happen!
t_delta         = 0.0271
t_end           = 2020-01-06 10:23:49

t_start         = 2020-01-06 10:23:49
exe             = ./mdtest -n 1000000 -u -L -F -N 1 -d ./out//mdtest-easy -x ./out//mdtest-easy-stonewall -C -W 1 -a POSIX
rate-stonewall  = 109.492799
score           = 103.300821
t_delta         = 1.1207
t_end           = 2020-01-06 10:23:50

t_start         = 2020-01-06 10:23:50
t_delta         = 0.0000
t_end           = 2020-01-06 10:23:50

t_start         = 2020-01-06 10:23:50
exe             = ./ior -C -Q 1 -g -G 27 -k -e -o ./out//ior-hard/file -O stoneWallingStatusFile=./out//ior-hard/stonewall -O stoneWallingWearOut=1 -t 47008 -b 47008 -s 1 -w -D 1 -a POSIX
; ERROR INVALID Write phase needed 0.066709s instead of stonewall 1s. Stonewall was hit at 0.0s
throughput-stonewall = 0.00
score           = 0.001313
; ERROR INVALID Runtime of phase (0.067146) is below stonewall time. This shouldn't happen!
t_delta         = 0.0671
t_end           = 2020-01-06 10:23:50

t_start         = 2020-01-06 10:23:50
exe             = ./mdtest -n 1000000 -t -w 3901 -e 3901 -N 1 -F -d ./out//mdtest-hard -x ./out//mdtest-hard-stonewall -C -W 1 -a POSIX
rate-stonewall  = 59.263301
score           = 58.939081
t_delta         = 1.0207
t_end           = 2020-01-06 10:23:51

t_start         = 2020-01-06 10:23:51
exe             = ./pfind ./out/ -newer ./results//timestampfile -size 3901c -name *01* -C -H 1 -q 10000
found           = 1596
total-files     = 175761
score           = 1486.435084
t_delta         = 0.1184
t_end           = 2020-01-06 10:23:51

t_start         = 2020-01-06 10:23:51
exe             = ./ior -C -Q 1 -g -G 271 -k -e -o ./out//ior-easy/ior_file_easy -O stoneWallingStatusFile=./out//ior-easy/stonewall -O stoneWallingWearOut=1 -t 2m -b 2m -F -r -R -a POSIX
score           = 1.575557
t_delta         = 0.0054
t_end           = 2020-01-06 10:23:51

t_start         = 2020-01-06 10:23:51
exe             = ./mdtest -n 1000000 -u -L -F -N 1 -d ./out//mdtest-easy -x ./out//mdtest-easy-stonewall -T -a POSIX
score           = 839.392805
t_delta         = 0.1381
t_end           = 2020-01-06 10:23:51

t_start         = 2020-01-06 10:23:51
exe             = ./ior -C -Q 1 -g -G 27 -k -e -o ./out//ior-hard/file -O stoneWallingStatusFile=./out//ior-hard/stonewall -O stoneWallingWearOut=1 -t 47008 -b 47008 -s 1 -r -R -a POSIX
score           = 2.272671
t_delta         = 0.0004
t_end           = 2020-01-06 10:23:51

t_start         = 2020-01-06 10:23:51
exe             = ./mdtest -n 1000000 -t -w 3901 -e 3901 -N 1 -F -d ./out//mdtest-hard -x ./out//mdtest-hard-stonewall -T -a POSIX
score           = 1212.558124
t_delta         = 0.0499
t_end           = 2020-01-06 10:23:51

t_start         = 2020-01-06 10:23:51
exe             = ./mdtest -n 1000000 -u -L -F -N 1 -d ./out//mdtest-easy -x ./out//mdtest-easy-stonewall -r -a POSIX
score           = 160.765642
t_delta         = 0.7534
t_end           = 2020-01-06 10:23:52

t_start         = 2020-01-06 10:23:52
exe             = ./mdtest -n 1000000 -t -w 3901 -e 3901 -N 1 -F -d ./out//mdtest-hard -x ./out//mdtest-hard-stonewall -E -X -a POSIX
score           = 275.011939
t_delta         = 0.2191
t_end           = 2020-01-06 10:23:52

t_start         = 2020-01-06 10:23:52
exe             = ./mdtest -n 1000000 -t -w 3901 -e 3901 -N 1 -F -d ./out//mdtest-hard -x ./out//mdtest-hard-stonewall -r -a POSIX
score           = 132.015851
t_delta         = 0.4742
t_end           = 2020-01-06 10:23:53

MD              = 292.625029
BW              = 0.172092
SCORE           = 7.096374  [INVALID]
hash            = 884F29B
; END 2020-01-06 10:23:53