Jason Exchange Protocol
Request object structure
id: "The request sequential ID",
sid: "The session unique ID if sessions are enabled",
sessionHash: "The session hash",
parameters: [{Parameter}]
actions: [{RequestAction}]
Field name | Description | Type | Required |
id | Unique sequential id for request | numeric | Yes |
sid | Session ID | string | Optional |
sessionHash | Session Hash | string | Optional |
parameters | Array of global parameters for the request. These parameters will be passed to all actions | Array of ParamObject | Optional |
actions | Array of actions to execute | Array of RequestAction | Yes |
Action object structure
controller : "controller name",
action : "action name",
parameters : [{Parameter}],
onError: "What behavior to do if this action fails"
Field name | Description | Type | Required |
controller | Name of the controller class that will be called | string | Yes |
action | Name of the action that will be called | string | Yes |
parameters | Array of parameters for the action | Array of Parameter objects | Optional |
onError | Indicates what to do if action fails. Possible values are : continue or stop. If continue and there are other actions to be performed, the other actions will be executed. If stop, the process will end here and other actions will not be executed. | string (enum) | Optional (default stop) |
Parameter object structure
name : "Parameter name",
value : {Parameter value}
Field name | Description | Type | Required |
name | Name of parameter | string | Yes |
value | Value of parameter | mixed | Yes |
Response object structure
id : "The request sequential ID passed by the Request object",
actions: [{ResponseAction}]
Field name | Description | Type | Required |
id | Request sequential id | numeric | Yes |
ResponseAction object structure
status: "Action status",
statusMessage: "A message to explain the status",
controller : "Name of controller to execute",
action : "Name of action to execute"
parameters : [Parameter array]
Field name | Description | Type | Required |
status | Status of action. Possible value are : pending, canceled, success, error | string (enum) | Yes |
statusMessage | Information message regarding the status of this action | string | Yes |
controller | Name of the controller class that will be called on the client side | string | Yes |
action | Name of the action that will be called on the client side | string | Yes |
parameters | Array of parameters for the action | Array of Parameter objects | Optional |