Samsung Electronics
- Suwon, Korea
corefx Public
Forked from dotnet/corefxThis repo contains the .NET Core foundational libraries, called CoreFX. It includes classes for collections, file systems, console, XML, async and many others.
C# MIT License UpdatedJan 28, 2016 -
coreclr Public
Forked from dotnet/coreclrThis repo contains the .NET Core runtime, called CoreCLR, and the base library, called mscorlib. It includes the garbage collector, JIT compiler, base .NET data types and many low-level classes.
C# MIT License UpdatedJan 28, 2016 -
iotjs Public
Forked from jerryscript-project/iotjsPlatform for Internet of Things with JavaScript
C++ Other UpdatedDec 17, 2015 -
jerryscript Public
Forked from jerryscript-project/jerryscriptUltra-lightweight JavaScript engine for Internet of Things. http://www.jerryscript.net
C++ Other UpdatedNov 9, 2015 -
rust Public
Forked from rust-lang/rusta safe, concurrent, practical language
servo Public
Forked from servo/servoThe Servo Browser Engine
Rust Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedNov 7, 2013 -
v8 Public
Forked from objcode/v8The official mirror of the V8 SVN repository
C++ Other UpdatedNov 4, 2013 -