Blockchain increases visibility and efficiency in the supply chain like the coffee trade. See how blockchain can assist farmers, roaster and everyone between, bring you a fresher and fairer cup. Come out and we will walk you through design, development, and deployment of an illustrative blockchain network and application.
In this bi-coastal USA in Manhattan, NY hands on workshop and [soon to be posted] Bay Area, CA
You will learn about...
- Developing a supply chain blockchain application with VS Code
- Deploying it on the IBM Blockchain Platform.
- Successful Blockchain applications in the Supply Chain space such as IBM Food Trust and others
- Best practices for developing blockchain applications today and looking forward to the future
- IBM Blockchain Platform Extenstion for Visual Studio Code
- Hyperledger Fabric
Please sign up for an IBM cloud account
For IBM Blockchain Platform to work correctly the following software tools and exact versions need to be in setup.
Visual Studio Code(VSCode) is a popular IDE that runs on all major operating systems.
For this workshop you will need to confirm you have the Sept 2019 version 1.39.x of Visual Studio Code installed.
If not that's OK, just download the older version, 1.39.x from Microsoft here
TIP: Pin VSCode Version!! Be sure to change
How to ...
Pin this version for the duration of this workshop/blockchain discovery untill stable release of ecosystem is availible. ( otherwise each vscode restart will update vscode!) it ![v1.39.2 pinned manually in settups/updates](images/vscode-pin-to-v1.39.png)- node.js
- npm
- docker
- docker-compose
check the versions by running these commands at your terminal
node -v
npm -v
docker -v
Docker version 19.03.5, build 633a0ea
docker-compose -v
docker-compose version 1.25.4, build 8d51620a
If you have these, awesome!
If you don't have the correct version of node.js and npm? No worries! We recommend using Node Version Manager(NVM) to run mutliple node.js version safely on your computer
Click here to learn more about NVM and it's setup.
>Follow the simple [NVM install docs here]( you are having trouble, check out the comprehensive documentation on how to start Developing smart contracts with Visual Studio Code extension or check out our Trouble shooting page here
Fire up Microsoft Visual Studio Code and install the VSCode Extension for the IBM Blockchain Platform
tbd add image/video here ...
Create a simple Coffee Bean Supply Chain Blockchain on Hyperledger Fabric
Part One: Setup Visual Studio Code to use the IBM Blockchain Platform extenston.
Start with the default project template
Track the journey of Coffee Beans From Farm to The Roaster
Note this is a silent video
for now.
Create a simple Coffee Bean Supply ChainBlockchain on Hyperledger Fabric
Starbucks to Track Coffee Using Microsoft’s Blockchain Service
Why blockchain is a better database
Grant Steinfeld @gsteinfeld
Lennart Frantzell @LFrantzell
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