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Hyperpilot e2e demo

  • K8S on AWS-ECS


Setup daemon scheduler

git clone
cd hyperpilot-demo/workloads/tech-demo/

If needed, edit deploy.json.

To get the config file curl localhost:7777/v1/deployments/<stack-name>/kubeconfig

To get the key curl localhost:7777/v1/deployments/<deployment-name>/ssh_key

To deploy a K8S dashboard kubectl create -f

kubectl proxy

To enable the controller

QOS_DATA_STORE=$(kubectl get -n hyperpilot pods | grep qos-data-store | cut -d" " -f1)

kubectl port-forward $QOS_DATA_STORE 7781:7781 -n hyperpilot

curl -XPOST localhost:7781/v1/switch/on

To delete all K8S deployments and services

kubectl get deployment | cut -d" " -f1 | tail -n 8 | xargs kubectl delete deployment
kubectl get services | cut -d" " -f1 | tail -n 8 | xargs kubectl delete services

To teardown: curl -XDELETE localhost:7777/v1/deployments/<stack-name>

Load Test

To start the load test, run locust --master -f load-controller/ --host "http://localhost:8001" locust --slave -f load-controller/ --host "http://localhost:8001" python --load-file workloads/tech-demo/hi_lo_config.json

Go to localhost:8001 to change the configuration to the desired values. All values must be set to restart successfully.

Important port numbers:

  • Locust-master 8089
  • Influx 8086
  • spark-master 7077
  • Load-configuration UI 8001