Here you will find an example demonstrating spark api. This example shows how to read timeseries data, transfome it into a chunk and inject it into Solr.
Start by creating a directory hdh_workspace for example that we can call it $HDH_HOME.
# create the workspace anywhere you want
mkdir ~/hdh_workspace
export HDH_HOME=~/hdh_workspace
Data Historian is a project containing scripts and files to manipulate time-series and chunk data. After downloading it unzip the file and get in the directory to start the setup using this commands :
sudo ./bin/
Apache solr is a database used by solr that could be replaced by other databases. To start solr, get into solr directory and run these command to start two solr servers:
./bin/solr start -cloud -s ./data/solr/node1 -p 8983
./bin/solr start -cloud -s ./data/solr/node2 -p 7574 -z localhost:9983
Clone this project from github, open it with your IDE and built the project using this command :
mvn clean install
To get more details we invite you to check this link: Spark API tutorial