It would be useful if ToQuantity supported long quantities in addition to int. Something like the following would work but will not honor ShowQuantityAs.Words for large positive or negative quantity values:
public static string ToQuantity(this string input, long quantity, ShowQuantityAs showQuantityAs = ShowQuantityAs.Numeric, string format = null, IFormatProvider formatProvider = null)
var str = quantity == 1 ? input.Singularize(false) : input.Pluralize(false);
if (showQuantityAs == ShowQuantityAs.None)
return str;
if ((showQuantityAs == ShowQuantityAs.Numeric) || (quantity > int.MaxValue) || (quantity < int.MinValue))
return string.Format(formatProvider, "{0} {1}", quantity.ToString(format, formatProvider), str);
return string.Format("{0} {1}", ((int) quantity).ToWords(), str);