Probably this title needs some explanation ;) When you humanize a timespan, like this:
const int ONE_WEEK_ONE_DAY = 8;
var oneWeekOneDayTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(ONE_WEEK_ONE_DAY);
var result = oneWeekOneDayTimeSpan.Humanize(2);
then you get "1 week, 1 day". However, what I want is to have the option to override the concatenation of the strings, to have an ", and", instead of only a comma between the second to last, and last item, making the output this:
1 week, and 1 day
AFAICT, you cannot do this now with Humanizer, and couldn't find an issue for this. I'd suggest adding a separator
argument to the call, similar to how you can specify that on the Humanize
call for collections. However, I'm not sure if you want another overload for this, besides the other two.
I'm happy to make a PR, if my proposal is accepted, and we can find a good way to add it to the API.
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