Multitool that includes info gatherer on a given IP address (Host, ISP), IP Geolocator, proxy checker, threat checker and IP Logger. (The name comes from tracker + hue xdd)
The multitool presents a simple ASCII interface, and a menu with 5 options:
- IP info: uses ip-location api to scan a given address, giving you informations such as hostname, city, region and country, location (in coordinates) and organisation.
- Proxy checker: uses proxychecker api to analyze an ip address, finds out wether its residential or part of a business, and if its a proxy/vpn.
- Host/ISP info: uses IP2location api to get lots of info related to the isp, host, company, etc.
- VPN/Tor/Botnet check: checks in known databases if the ip is a potential threat. The databases are very old cuz it wont recognize anything at all, dont use this function, use Proxy checker instead.
- Ip grabber: creates a simple ngrok tunnel, gets the ip of every visitor and uses a simple api to gather information about the victim. You can find more info on my ip logger page
Links to API: ip-location, proxy checker and Host/ISP info + Vpn/Tor/Botnet checker
Here is the ip logger, more info about this on my page here