Simple ip logger made in python using port forwarding with ngrok. IP Geolocator included thanks to ip info api.
This simple program uses ngrok port forwarding to establish a simple https tunnel. You need to have a ngrok authtoken (free on ngrok website) and insert it in the yml file, everything is carefully explained in the ngrok website and documentation, if u need any help ask chatgpt, its very good with these things.The code then grabs the ip of whoever visits the page and sends an api request to ip info api in order to get as many informations as possible about the ip, those informations are then displayed.
You can customize the http page for example to make it a phishing website or anything you want, otherwise you can choose to redirect the user to any website, i set up some lines of code to redirect users to a funny gif and commented them. Make sure that only one between the 2 responses are uncommented (im talking about the 200, simple html, and the 302, redirect response), or else there might be issues, you can even decide to use both but adding delays and modifying some stuff.
I made an improved version of this ip logger in my IP Multitool, you can find it here IP Info Multitool