This project focuses on enabling machines to understand human emotions from speech.
- Identifies seven types of emotions: anger, disgust, fear, happiness, pleasant surprise, sadness, and neutral.
- Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) layers for handling sequential data.
- MFCCs for capturing the phonetic properties of speech.
- Validation Accuracy: 67%
- Python
- Keras: building and training the neural network model
- Librosa: audio processing and feature extraction
- Pandas: data manipulation
- Matplotlib and Seaborn: data visualization
- Source: Toronto Emotional Speech Set (TESS)
- Details: 2800 audio samples in WAV format recorded at 22050 Hz. Each sample is up to 3 seconds long.
- 1 LSTM layer with 256 units
- 2 Dense layers with 128 and 64 units using ReLU activation
- Dropout layers with a rate of 20% after each Dense layer
- Output layer with 7 units using softmax activation
- Optimizer: Adam
- Loss Function: Categorical Cross-Entropy
- Training Duration: 50 epochs with a batch size of 64
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