Leauge of Legends terminal cil/dashboard
Watcher is an basic CLI/TUI tool that retrieves summoner data from Riot API.
You need Riot API key that you can get at https://developer.riotgames.com/ .
When you get export it as env variable as RGAPI_KEY=your_key
Using cargo
cargo install --git https://github.com/Horryportier/Watcher
compile from GitHub
git clone --git https://github.com/Horryportier/Watcher
cd Watcher
cargo install
as cargo package maybe in the future
Usage: Watcher [name] [region] [flags]
# Regions:
["kr", "ru", "br", "jp", "la1", "la2", "na", "oce", "ph", "sg", "th", "tr", "tw", "eune", "euw"]
NONE lunches Tui
-h | --help prints help
-s | --summoner searches for summoner
-r | --rank get's summoner rank
-m | --mastery get's first 10 highest champions mastery's
-g | --game -g 0..20 get's game from 20 games