📗Table of Contents
ExpenseTracker is a Ruby on Rails-based budget manager designed to help users manage their expenses efficiently by providing a platform to log and track their spending.
The Tech stack used in this project:
Full Stack
- Expense Logging: Add, edit, and delete expenses.
- Reports: View graphical representations of spending patterns.
- Create a robust user authentication system to ensure secure access to the Dashboard.
- Design a user-friendly and intuitive interface for easy navigation and interaction.
- Employ responsive design principles to ensure accessibility on various devices.
- Use charts for better tracking.
Clone repo via cmd - https://github.com/Hisoka37/ExpensesTacker.git
To run this project you need:
Code Editor (Vs Code)
Install Ruby on your computer
Install Rails on your computer
Clone this repository by using the command line to your desired folder:
git clone https://github.com/Hisoka37/ExpensesTacker.git
cd ExpensesTracker
Install this project with:
cd RailsPass
bundle install (install all dependencies)
rails db:create db:migrate
To run the project, execute the following command:
rails server
👤 Walid Hisoka Kabboussa
- GitHub: @githubhandle
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
- Twitter: Twitter
- Budget Tracking: Allow users to set budgets and receive notifications when nearing limits.
- Mobile App Integration: Develop a companion mobile app for on-the-go expense tracking.
- Integration with Financial Services: Connect with banking APIs for automatic expense tracking.
- Currency Conversion: Support multiple currencies and automatically convert expenses based on user preferences.
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and create a pull request with your suggested changes.
This project is MIT licensed.