In this tutorial I will go through the setup environement, dataset creation and the developement of an object detectection/recognition app. We will use the algorithm "you look only once" YOLO !
Be able to detect many objects in the same image in real time.
- Packard Bell easy note Pc running Windows 10.
- CPU = 2.3 Ghz
- RAM = 4 Go
- HDD = 500 GB
as programming language -
the open computer vision library so we can play around our cams -
Deep Learning Framework -
API that interfaces tensorflow
- Windows users
python -m venv myenv # creates a virtual environement
cd myenv\Scripts # change folder
.\activate # activate environement
- Linux users
python -m venv myenv # creates a virtual environement
cd myenv\bin # change folder
source activate # activate environement
pip install keras
pip install tensorflow
pip install opencv-python
pip install numpy
pip install matplotlib
To execute the code:
- Hichem MAIZA
- Google for tensorflow
- Andrew Ng for his great courses
- Siraj Raval for his motivational videos
- Intel for OpenCV