Tile for retrieving your articles from DEV.to.
This tile can be used on the Laravel Dashboard.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require hi-folks/laravel-dashboard-devto-tile
In your dashboard view you use the livewire:devto-tile
<livewire:devto-tile position="e7:e16" />
Go to https://dev.to/settings/account and create your API KEY. You need to store your api key in your .env file. Remember to avoid to commit .env file :) THe key for storing your api key is: DEVTO_TILE_APIKEY
In config/dashboard.php please, add:
'tiles' => [
'devto' => [
'configurations' => [
'default' => [
'api_key' => env('DEVTO_TILE_APIKEY'),
'refresh_interval_in_seconds' => 5,
In order to retrieve articles from DEV.to automatically, you need to schedule your command. Go to Kernel.php file and add this line.
$schedule->command("dashboard:fetch-data-from-devto-api", [])->everyFiveMinutes();
If you completed the setup correctly you could see in your dashboard your new tile.
composer test
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