Uppsala University
- Sweden
(UTC +01:00)
- Pro
Starred repositories
This SAS Extension for Visual Studio Code provides support for the SAS language, including features such as SAS syntax highlighting, code completion, hover help, code folding, outline, SAS code sni…
Laborationerna innefattar bland annat att analysera egenskaper och antaganden hos diskreta och absorberande Markovkedjor med hjälp av simuleringsstudier och övergångsmatriser.
The BSDA project comprises eight distinct assignments, followed by a final comprehensive project, all within the fields of Bayesian statistics and data science. All coding and statistical analyses …
Final project in IntroML course. Aim is to classify birds based on their sounds using two models, a CNN and a RNN. Based on .mp3 files downloaded from Kaggle scraped from Xeno-Canto.org.
A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers