Heroku has decided to remove it's free tier subscription at the end of November 28, 2022. How does this affect you? This project is hosted under Heroku's free tier service. It will remain on Heroku until the service it up. Thank you very much for taking the time into reading this message.
Reference: Removal of Heroku Free Product Plans FAQ : https://help.heroku.com/RSBRUH58/removal-of-heroku-free-product-plans-faq
- Assignment 1: HTML & CSS
https://personal-portfolio-lab-cst336.herokuapp.com//Homework/Assignment1/index.html - Assignment 2: HTML Forms and JavaScript
Version 1: https://personal-portfolio-lab-cst336.herokuapp.com//Homework/Assignment2/index.html
Version 2: https://personal-portfolio-lab-cst336.herokuapp.com//Homework/Assignment2v.2/index.html - Assignment 3: Third-Party APIs and AJAX
Version 2: Practice with OpenWeatherApi
https://personal-portfolio-lab-cst336.herokuapp.com//Homework/Assignment3v.2/index.html - Assignment 4: Redo Project 1 in Node.js and Express
Fufills requirements however, I want to use RAWG video game api to have the user search video games. I would like to display the results on the page, maybe someday...
- Lab 1: HTML & CSS
https://personal-portfolio-lab-cst336.herokuapp.com//PersonalPortfolioLab/index.html - Lab 2: JavaScript: Guessing Numbers
https://personal-portfolio-lab-cst336.herokuapp.com//Labs/GuessNumber/index.html - Lab 3: HTML Forms and JavaScript Quiz
https://personal-portfolio-lab-cst336.herokuapp.com//Labs/JS%20Geography%20Quiz/index.html - Lab 4: AJAX Signup
https://personal-portfolio-lab-cst336.herokuapp.com//Labs/AJAX%20Signup/index.html - Lab 5: Third-Party API with Pixabay
https://personal-portfolio-lab-cst336.herokuapp.com//Labs/Pixabay/index.html - Lab 6: Solar System App with Node JS
https://solarsystemwebsite.herokuapp.com/home - Lab 7: Third-Party API for Pixabay in Express
https://pixabay-search-via-express.herokuapp.com/ - Lab 8: US Geography Quiz in Express (Extra Credit)
https://us-geography-quiz-w-express-ec.herokuapp.com/ - Lab 9: Quotes
https://cst-336-quotes-lab.herokuapp.com/ - Lab 10: Quotes Admin
- Midterm Practice: Dog Image API
https://personal-portfolio-lab-cst336.herokuapp.com//PracticeMidterm/index.html - Midterm Practice Solution:
- Midterm: OpenLibraryApi
Notes: Needed to display author and the isbn. In addition, encompass the picture
and results in CSS.
- Midterm Solution: OpenLibraryApi
Use ISBN numbers 0451526538 and 1594200092 to see the magic!
- Spin Scooters @ CSU Monterey Bay
- Use Request features on OpenLibraryApi:
Use ISBN numbers 0451526538 and 1594200092 to see the magic!
- In class express lab: Friend List
foo@bar:~$ npm init
foo@bar:~$ touch index.js
foo@bar:~$ npm install --save express
foo@bar:~$ npm install --save ejs
foo@bar:~$ npm install --save body-parser
foo@bar:~$ npm install jsdom
foo@bar:~$ npm install jquery
foo@bar:~$ npm install --save request
foo@bar:~$ mkdir views
foo@bar:~$ mkdir views/templates
foo@bar:~$ touch views/templates/footer.ejs
foo@bar:~$ touch views/templates/header.ejs
foo@bar:~$ touch views/home.ejs
foo@bar:~$ touch views/error.ejs
foo@bar:~$ npm install unirest
foo@bar:~$ npm install --save mysql
foo@bar:~$ node index.js