We propose a fast and color-preserving fusion method for visible and infrared image pairs, and a metric called color deviation.
This is the Python implementation of the paper "FCDFusion: a fast, low color deviation method for fusing visible and infrared image pairs".
The [paper] is accepted by Computational Visual Media.
- These codes run in Python environment on the CPU to show the algorithms. If you need speed up, please rewrite them in C language or use CUDA and other GPU accelerators.
Download or clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/HeasonLee/FCDFusion
Go into the directory "/FCDFusion":
cd FCDFusion
- Put visible images and corresponding infrared images into "/input/visible" and "/input/infrared", respectively. The two paired input images should be in the same shape and has the same name like "xxx.jpg". You can change codes in "fuse.py" to change the available image type.
- You can change line 78~81 in "fuse.py" to select methods to run. Default: RGB, YIQ, HSV and FCDFusion methods.
- Run the fusion methods:
python fuse.py
- Fusion results will be saved in "/output/<method name>".
- 6 pairs of test images selected from VIFB are already in "/input/visible" and "/input/infrared". You can find more test image pairs in VIFB or other datasets.
- FCDFusion is the proposed method. RGB, YIQ and HSV are 3 fast and simple methods for comparison. CNN and MST-SR are 2 methods from VIFB for comparison. PIAFusion and SeAFusion are 2 new methods from Information Fusion 2022 for comparison. You can find more methods in VIFB or other papers.
- Put visible images and corresponding fused images into "/input/visible" and "/output/<method name>", respectively. The two paired images should be in the same shape and has the same name like "xxx.jpg". You can change codes in "color_deviation.py" to change the available image type.
- You can change line 27 in "color_deviation.py" to select methods to be evaluated. Default: RGB, YIQ, HSV, CNN, MST-SR, PIAFusion, SeAFusion and FCDFusion methods.
- Run the script:
python color_deviation.py
- Color deviation of each fused image and the average color deviation value of each method will be shown in the screen and saved in "/output/color_deviation_values.txt".
- Color deviation is the proposed metric that measures color-preserving ability of a fusion method. You can find more metrics in VIFB.
If you find the code helpful in your resarch or work, please cite the following paper.
author = {Li, Hesong and Fu, Ying},
title = {FCDFusion: a Fast, Low Color Deviation Method for Fusing Visible and Infrared Image Pairs},
journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.01080},
year = {2024},