Decode and encode Hearthstone deckstrings.
A mapping between DBF ids and cards can be found at HearthstoneJSON.
Any deckstring or deck definition returned by this library will be "canonical": The cards and heroes are sorted by DBF id in ascending order.
Install the package from npm using your favourite package manager:
$ yarn add deckstrings
import { encode, decode, FormatType } from "deckstrings";
const deck = {
cards: [[1, 2], [2, 2], [3, 2], [4, 1]], // [dbfId, count] pairs
sideboardCards: [[5, 1, 90749]], // [dbfId, count, sideboardOwnerDbfId] triplets
heroes: [7], // Garrosh Hellscream
format: FormatType.FT_WILD, // or FT_STANDARD or FT_CLASSIC
const deckstring = encode(deck);
console.log(deckstring); // AAEBAQcBBAMBAgMAAQEF/cQFAAA=
const decoded = decode(deckstring);
console.log(JSON.stringify(deck) === JSON.stringify(decoded)); // true