Bug report
I've been playing wild elemental mage vs another wild elemental mage on ladder. When he played pyros on turn 2 my decktracker began to act weird, since he marked the enemy pyros as discarded (see red text, screenshot 1).
The game went on and I discovered some more issues, for example the 10-mana-pyros shown at the 2-mana-cards (screenshot 1 and 2), as well as not even tracking the 6-mana-pyros at all. In addition, for some reason his flamestrike is shown below the 10-mana-cards (screenshot 2), as well as the cone of cold being shown at the 3-mana-cards isntead of 4-mana-cards (screensot 2).
Maybe I should note that the babbling book and roaring torch indeed have been discarded, so the red label for them is correct.
All of this seems pretty weird to me, I thought u might beinterested in this information.