A TensorFlow implementation of real-time style transfer based on the paper Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution by Johnson et. al.
See my related blog post for an overview of the algorithm for real-time style transfer.
The total loss used is the weighted sum of the style loss, the content loss and a total variation loss. This third component is not specfically mentioned in the original paper but leads to more cohesive images being generated.
- Python 2.7
- TensorFlow 1.n
- SciPy & NumPy
- Download the pre-trained VGG network and place it in the top level of the repository (~500MB)
- For training:
- It is recommended to use a GPU to get good results within a reasonable timeframe
- You will need an image dataset to train your networks. I used the Microsoft COCO dataset and resized the images to 256x256 pixels
- Generation of styled images can be run on a CPU or GPU. Some pre-trained style networks can be download from here (~700MB)
python train_network.py --style <style image> --train-path <path to training images> --save-path <directory to save network>
The algorithm will run with the following settings:
NUM_EPOCHS=5 # override with --epochs argument
BATCH_SIZE=4 # override with --batch-size argument
LEARNING_RATE = 1e-3 # override with --learning-rate argument
CONTENT_WEIGHT = 1 # override with --content-weight argument
STYLE_WEIGHT = 5 # override with --style-weight argument
TV_WEIGHT = 1e-6 # override with --tv-weight argument
To train the network using a GPU run with the --use-gpu
python stylize_image.py --content <content image> --network-path <network directory> --output-path <output filename>
To run the style transfer with a GPU run with the --use-gpu
I have made the pre-trained networks for the 3 styles shown in the results section below available. They can be downloaded from here (~700MB).
I trained three networks style transfers using the following three style images:
Each network was trained with 80,000 training images taken from the Microsoft COCO dataset and resized to 256×256 pixels. Training was carried out for 100,000 iterations with a batch size of 4 and took approximately 12 hours on a GTX 1080 GPU. Using the trained network to generate style transfers took approximately 5 seconds on a CPU. Here are some of the style transfers I was able to generate:
This code was inspired by an existing TensorFlow implementation by Logan Engstrom, and I have re-used most of his transform network code here. The VGG network code is based on an existing implementation by Anish Anish Athalye
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