Written and (C) 2015-17 Kai Kramer, based on an idea and code from Sam Hiatt (https://github.com/samhiatt/node-hue-emulator). Build with https://github.com/hobbyquaker/xyz2mqtt-skeleton from Sebastian Raff.
Provided under the terms of the MIT license.
NodeJs Hue emulator, with UPnP discovery that works with Amazon Echo
Allows Amazon Echo to communicate with arbitrary http services using the Hue API.
Derrived from http://github.com/armzilla/amazon-echo-ha-bridge
- name: Licht
id: "1"
topic: lox/set/arbeitszimmer/beleuchtung/arbeitszimmer
on: on
off: off
topic: lox/set/arbeitszimmer/beleuchtung/arbeitszimmer
topic: lox/set/arbeitszimmer/beleuchtung/arbeitszimmer
In Progress - not working at Mac and Synology (upnp discovery problem)
docker build -t alexa2mqtt . && docker run --env-file ./alexa2mqtt.env -p 1900:1900 -p 8082:8082 -v /Volumes/data/smarthome/:/data -it alexa2mqtt
docker run --env-file /volume1/data/smarthome/alexa.env -p 1900:1900 -p 8082:8082 -v /volume1/data/smarthome/:/data -it alexa2mqtt