(Currently using Haxe 3.1.3)
I'm trying to create an abstract enum with values defined in a macro, and am getting some strange behavior.
Here's a simple example of a regular abstract enum:
abstract MyEnum(String) from String to String
var A = 'a';
var B = 'b';
var C = 'c';
class MyClass
static function myFunc(arg:MyEnum):String
case A: return "GOT AN A";
case B: return "GOT A B";
default: return ""+arg;
I can compile this and it works correctly; if I leave out the "default" case, I get an error for the missing pattern.
Now I try to replicate this using a macro:
import haxe.macro.Context;
import haxe.macro.Expr;
class TestMacro
macro static public function build():Array<Field>
var fields = Context.getBuildFields();
var macroFields = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
for (f in macroFields)
name: f.toUpperCase(),
doc: null,
meta: [],
access: [AStatic, APublic],
kind: FVar(macro : String, macro $v{f}),
pos: Context.currentPos(),
return fields;
#if !macro @:build( #end
abstract MyEnum(String) from String to String
#if !macro
class MyClass
static function myFunc(arg:MyEnum):String
case A: return "GOT AN A";
case B: return "GOT A B";
default: return ""+arg;
I can use MyEnum.A, MyEnum.B, and MyEnum.C with no problem. However, I generate PHP code from this and notice:
there's no warning from the compiler when missing cases in the switch
also, more seriously: the default case from the switch doesn't show up in the generated PHP!
<?php class MyClass { public function __construct(){} static function myFunc($arg) { switch($arg) { case "a":{ return "GOT AN A"; }break; case "b":{ return "GOT A B"; }break; } } function __toString() { return 'MyClass'; } }
So if I have an enum of 20 values and a switch with two cases followed by a default case, the PHP switch will only check for two of those values, and with no default, will return "null" for everything else.
Is this a bug, or am I not constructing the enum correctly? Is what I want to do possible?