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Merge pull request #2911 from Simn/abstract-fixes
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Abstract fixes
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Simn committed Apr 23, 2014
2 parents 3dd1422 + 0cf3430 commit 418455f
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Showing 4 changed files with 61 additions and 52 deletions.
72 changes: 32 additions & 40 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -681,53 +681,45 @@ module Abstract = struct
make_static_call ctx c cf (apply_params a.a_types pl) args t p

let rec do_check_cast ctx tleft eright p =
let tright = follow eright.etype in
let tleft = follow tleft in
if tleft == tright then eright else
let recurse cf f =
if cf == ctx.curfield || List.mem cf !cast_stack then error "Recursive implicit cast" p;
cast_stack := cf :: !cast_stack;
let r = f() in
cast_stack := !cast_stack;
try (match tright,tleft with
| (TAbstract({a_impl = Some c1} as a1,pl1) as t1),(TAbstract({a_impl = Some c2} as a2,pl2) as t2) ->
if a1 == a2 then
else begin
let c,cfo,a,pl = try
if Meta.has Meta.MultiType a1.a_meta then raise Not_found;
c1,snd (find_to a1 pl1 t2),a1,pl1
with Not_found ->
if Meta.has Meta.MultiType a2.a_meta then raise Not_found;
c2,snd (find_from a2 pl2 t1 t2),a2,pl2
match cfo with
| None -> eright
| Some cf ->
recurse cf (fun () -> make_static_call ctx c cf a pl [eright] tleft p)
| _, TMono _ | TMono _, _ ->
| TAbstract({a_impl = Some c} as a,pl),t2 when not (Meta.has Meta.MultiType a.a_meta) ->
begin match find_to a pl t2 with
| tcf,None ->
let tcf = apply_params a.a_types pl tcf in
if type_iseq tcf tleft then eright else do_check_cast ctx tcf eright p
| _,Some cf ->
recurse cf (fun () -> make_static_call ctx c cf a pl [eright] tleft p)
| t1,(TAbstract({a_impl = Some c} as a,pl) as t2) when not (Meta.has Meta.MultiType a.a_meta) ->
begin match find_from a pl t1 t2 with
| tcf,None ->
let tcf = apply_params a.a_types pl tcf in
if type_iseq tcf tleft then eright else do_check_cast ctx tcf eright p
| _,Some cf ->
recurse cf (fun () -> make_static_call ctx c cf a pl [eright] tleft p)
| _ ->
let find a tl f =
let tcf,cfo = f() in
match cfo,a.a_impl with
| None,_ ->
let tcf = apply_params a.a_types tl tcf in
if type_iseq tcf tleft then
(* TODO: causes Java overload issues *)
(* let eright = mk (TCast(eright,None)) tleft p in *)
do_check_cast ctx tcf eright p
| Some cf,Some c ->
recurse cf (fun () -> make_static_call ctx c cf a tl [eright] tleft p)
| _ ->
assert false
if type_iseq tleft eright.etype then
else try
begin match follow eright.etype with
| TAbstract(a,tl) ->
find a tl (fun () -> find_to a tl tleft)
| _ ->
raise Not_found
with Not_found -> try
begin match follow tleft with
| TAbstract(a,tl) ->
find a tl (fun () -> find_from a tl eright.etype tleft)
| _ ->
raise Not_found
with Not_found ->

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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions std/Map.hx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -150,15 +150,15 @@ abstract Map<K,V>(IMap<K,V> ) {

@:from static inline function fromStringMap<V>(map:StringMap<V>):Map< String, V > {
return map;
return cast map;

@:from static inline function fromIntMap<V>(map:IntMap<V>):Map< Int, V > {
return map;
return cast map;

@:from static inline function fromObjectMap<K:{ }, V>(map:ObjectMap<K,V>):Map<K,V> {
return map;
return cast map;

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2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions tests/unit/issues/Issue2871.hx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package unit.issues;

class Issue2871 extends Test {
#if !java
function call(myUInt:Null<UInt> = null):Int {
return myUInt == null ? 0 : myUInt;
Expand All @@ -10,5 +9,4 @@ class Issue2871 extends Test {
eq(0, call(null));
eq(1, call((1:UInt)));
33 changes: 26 additions & 7 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -161,26 +161,35 @@ let rec is_pos_infos = function
| _ ->

let check_constraints ctx tname tpl tl map p =
let check_constraints ctx tname tpl tl map delayed p =
List.iter2 (fun m (name,t) ->
match follow t with
| TInst ({ cl_kind = KTypeParameter constr },_) when constr <> [] ->
delay ctx PCheckConstraint (fun() ->
let f = (fun() ->
List.iter (fun ct ->
Type.unify (map m) (map ct)
with Unify_error l ->
display_error ctx (error_msg (Unify (Constraint_failure (tname ^ "." ^ name) :: l))) p;
let l = Constraint_failure (tname ^ "." ^ name) :: l in
raise (Unify_error l)
) constr
) in
if delayed then
delay ctx PCheckConstraint f
| _ ->
) tl tpl

let enum_field_type ctx en ef tl_en tl_ef p =
let map t = apply_params en.e_types tl_en (apply_params ef.ef_params tl_ef t) in
check_constraints ctx (s_type_path en.e_path) en.e_types tl_en map p;
check_constraints ctx ef.ef_name ef.ef_params tl_ef map p;
begin try
check_constraints ctx (s_type_path en.e_path) en.e_types tl_en map true p;
check_constraints ctx ef.ef_name ef.ef_params tl_ef map true p;
with Unify_error l ->
display_error ctx (error_msg (Unify l)) p
map ef.ef_type

let add_constraint_checks ctx ctypes pl f tl p =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1834,7 +1843,8 @@ let rec type_binop ctx op e1 e2 is_assign_op p =
| [] -> raise Not_found
| (o,cf) :: ops when is_assign_op && o = OpAssignOp(op) || o == op ->
let impl = Meta.has Meta.Impl cf.cf_meta in
let tcf = monomorphs cf.cf_params cf.cf_type in
let monos = (fun _ -> mk_mono()) cf.cf_params in
let tcf = apply_params cf.cf_params monos cf.cf_type in
let tcf = if impl then apply_params a.a_types pl tcf else tcf in
(match follow tcf with
| TFun([(_,_,t1);(_,_,t2)],r) ->
Expand All @@ -1848,7 +1858,16 @@ let rec type_binop ctx op e1 e2 is_assign_op p =
type_eq EqStrict (TAbstract(a,pl)) t1;
(* special case for == and !=: if the second type is a monomorph, assume that we want to unify
it with the first type to preserve comparison semantics. *)
begin match op,follow t with
| (OpEq | OpNotEq),TMono _ ->
Type.unify (if left then e1.etype else e2.etype) t
| _ ->
Type.unify t t2;
check_constraints ctx "" cf.cf_params monos (apply_params a.a_types pl) false cf.cf_pos;
cf,t2,r,o = OpAssignOp(op),Meta.has Meta.Commutative cf.cf_meta
with Unify_error _ ->
loop ops
Expand Down

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