A pseudocode compiler for GCE AS/A2 Exam(not official).
Intented to be fully functioning, compatible with all codes on AS/A2 Syllabus, optimizable powered by LLVM. Serious enough for students' creative design.
Practice is the best way to learn! Paper is not a teacher, but a compiler could be. Students no longer need to read and write code on papers. They could design their own program and test it.
No releases yet...
- Types
- Bool
- Int
- Real
- String
- Char
- Array
- Type (struct)
- Expression
- Add/Minus
- Multiple/Divide
- (Subexpression)
- Array Index
- Cmp (=/<>/<=/>=/</>)
- Functions
- Instructions
- Declare
- Assign
- Output
- Input
- If
- While
- Repeat
- For
- Case
- Procedure
- Function
- Call
- Type
- Runtime
- GC
- String