In our project, we addressed the problem of limited access to books and resources faced by individuals due to availability constraints and high costs. We explored a solution that allowed individuals to organize their personal libraries and make books available for borrowing, fostering knowledge dissemination and book reuse. The project proposed a dynamic and user-friendly web-based platform built using the Django Rest Framework (DRF) and React. The platform integrated features such as a registration system, borrowing system, recommendation system, and rating system.
The registration system enables users to create profiles and manage their information and books. The borrowing system allows users to search for desired books, send borrowing requests to owners, and receive notifications for approval or denial. The recommendation system suggests books based on users' reading history and preferences, enhancing book discovery. The rating system enables users to rate books and provides sorting options based on ratings. Additionally, users can rate each other based on borrowing experiences.
The proposed solution has significant impacts on a global, economic, environmental, and societal levels. Globally, it promotes knowledge-sharing, enhances access to books, and fosters an informed and educated community. Economically, it alleviates the financial burden on individuals unable to afford book purchases. Environmentally, it reduces paper waste and carbon footprint associated with book production, transportation, and disposal. Societally, it fosters community building, social connections, and a sense of belonging through book sharing and idea exchange.
Overall, this report presents a comprehensive solution to address the challenges of limited book access. The proposed platform offers a seamless experience for sharing and discovering books, facilitating knowledge dissemination, and promoting reuse. By combining features like registration, borrowing, recommendation, and rating systems, the platform empowers users to explore new books, access them easily, and contribute to a global community of knowledge- sharing and personal growth.