A curated list of awesome tools and projects related to anime, comics, games, light novel, visual novel, vocaloid and touhou.
Sharing, suggestions and contributions are always welcome! Please take a look at the contribution guidelines first.
- Audio
- Danmaku
- Downloaders
- Databases / Data Sources
- Image Board
- Image Processing
- Image Recognition
- Image Reverse Search
- Mobile Apps
- Programming Languages
- Tools
- Web
- Uncategorized
- Developer Groups
- 0x40-web - HTML5/CSS3 Canvas + Web Audio clone of the 0x40 Hues Flash.
- ABPlayerHTML5 - Video Player for danmaku comments. ABPlayer in HTML5.
- CommentCoreLibrary - Javascript Live Comment (Danmaku) Engine Implementation.
- Danmaku - A high performance JavaScript danmaku engine.
- danmaku2ass - Convert comments from Niconico/AcFun/bilibili to ASS format.
- DPlayer - HTML5 danmaku video player.
- Albireo - A bangumi auto download and management project. It has a webclient called Deneb.
- anilist-crawler - Crawl data from anilist API and store in elasticsearch.
- Danbooru Downloader - Downloader for Danbooru.
- DMHY - Easily download/auto-download torrent(s) from share.dmhy.org / acg.rip etc. sites for OS X.
- JComicDownloader - A tool for downloading some comics and light novels from China.
- PixivUtil (Pixiv Downloader) - Downloader and tag manager for Pixiv.
- Pixiv Illust - Both a downloader and a third-party nodejs api for Pixiv.
- you-get - Dumb downloader that scrapes the web.
- AniDB API - Official API for AniDB.
- Anilist API - Official API for Anilist (https://anilist.co/).
- Atarashii API - Unofficial API for MyAnimeList.
- Bangumi Data - Raw data for Japanese Anime.
- Dhufufu - Additional API Docs for some Chinese ACG sites & Related Services (currently outdated).
- hummingbird.me - Anime discovery platform.
- Vocaloid Database - Server software used by vocadb.net.
- aint.moe - Your waifu aint moe.
- animeshot - An open and searchable image repository in Node.js.
- BooruSurfer2 - A consistent and space-efficient interface to Booru-like image boards.
- szurubooru - Python-powered booru for small to medium communities.
- cgCompress - Compression tool tailored for Visual Novel CGs.
- hoshizora - Merge two image by alpha channel to get displayed respectively on white/black background.
- Overmix - Automatic anime screenshot stitching in high quality.
- waifu2x - Image Super-Resolution for Anime-Style Art.
- waifu2x-converter-cpp - An improved version of waifu2x.
- AnimeFace Search v3 - Face detection for Anime. Powered by Imager::AnimeFace and otama - CBIR Engine.
- Illustration2Vec - A Semantic Vector Representation of Illustrations.
- lbpcascade_animeface - Face detector for anime/manga using OpenCV.
- ascii2d - 二次元画像詳細検索.
- Gochiusearch - A Fast Scene Search Engine for 'Gochuumon wa Usagi Desuka?'.
- Image Search Options (Chrome Extension / Firefox Add-on) - Search multiple image reverse search engines.
- iqdb - Multi-service image search engine, source code here.
- SauceNAO - Reverse image search service, see database coverage here.
- WAIT: What Anime Is This? - Anime scene search engine. Powered by LireSolr.
- Akhyou - Anime streaming app for Android.
- Atarashii - Android client for MyAnimeList.
- KonaBot - iOS client for konachan.net.
- LNReader-Android - Light novel reader for android.
- Tachiyomi - Free and open source manga reader for Android.
These are mostly languages based on Brainfuck.
- anitomy - Anime video filename parser.
- arc_unpacker - Visual novel extracting tool in CLI.
- bgm - Display bangumi list in CLI.
- hentaibook - Convert dolijinshi comic on e-hentai.org and nhentai.net to EPUB file.
- rankit.ikely.me - Scientific ranking of anime ratings by Rankit.
- wikipedia_anime_graph - wikipediaからアニメに関連するデータを解析する
- ASS.js - A JavaScript ASS subtitle format renderer.
- Deneb - A web client for Albireo.
- libjass - Renders ASS subs in the browser.
- Pixiv Search Result Unlocker - Allows you to click on blocked pictures.
- WebLive2D - A rebuild of Cybernoids' Live2D demo for interactive systems on mobile platforms.
- notify.moe - Fetches your anime "watching" list and notifies you when a new anime episode is available.
- 大藏游星的近月计划 - Introduction to ACG production process, and more.
Some chat rooms or channels of ACG-loving developers
AniDevTwitter (English)
- https://github.com/AniDevTwitter
- irc://irc.rizon.net/AniDevTwitter
- https://twitter.com/search?q=%23AniDevTwitter
Fuyu (English)
- https://fuyu.moe/
- irc://irc.rizon.net/Fuyu
IQDB / SauceNao (English)
- https://iqdb.org/
- irc://irc.rizon.net/iqdb
MoeOverflow (Chinese)
Project ShangriLa (Japanese)