A library that represents the Merkle tree data structure in ocaml, the library allows to :
- Create a merkle tree from a list of elements.
- Find the minimal tree that allows to prove a given element.
- Make a merkle proof.
- Test if two merkle tree are equal
- Generate a string representation more readable of the merkle tree
If you just want to build the library : dune build src/merkle.a
in the "test" folder, there is a test file where unit tests and property tests are written on the Merkle tree library, instantiating it with a particular context.
To execute the tests : dune exec tests/strsha.exe
- dune -> "2.9.0"
- qcheck -> "0.18"
- qcheck-alcotest -> "0.18"
- alcotest -> "1.4.0"
- odoc -> "1.5.3"
- sha -> "1.14"
Execute dune build @doc
and open _build/default/_doc/_html/index.html
for generate the documentation. The documentation of the library is in "merkle" page.