SoC template comprising an open-source RISC-V processor (picorv32), an internal SRAM memory subsystem, a UART (iob-uart), and an optional external DDR memory subsystem. If selected, an instruction L1 cache, a data L1 cache and a shared L2 cache is added to the system. The L2 cache communicates with a DDR memory controller IP (not provided) using an AXI4 master bus.
git clone --recursive
Access to Github by ssh is mandatory so that submodules can be updated.
The system configuration is the file residing at the repository root. Edit the file at will. The variables that can be set are explained by comments in the file.
The various simulators, FPGA compilers and FPGA boards may be run locally or remotely. For running them remotely, set environmental variables as shown below using some example servers and user names. Have these settings in your .bashrc file so that you do not need to do it every session.
#ncsim simulator server
export NCSIM_USER=jsousa
#quartus server
export QUAR_USER=jsousa
#ku40 board server
export KU40_USER=jsousa
#cadence tools server
export CADE_USER=user19
Make sure the environmental variables for the tool paths, licenses servers, ports or files are defined in each server in use according to the following examples.
export ALTERAPATH=/path/to/intel/fpga/tools
export XILINXPATH=/path/to/xilinx/fpga/tools
export LM_LICENSE_FILE=port@host:lic_or_dat_file
To simulate:
make [sim]
Parameters can be passed in the command line, overriding those in the file. For example:
make [sim] INIT_MEM=0 RUN_EXTMEM=1
To clean the simulation directory:
make sim-clean
To visualise simulation waveforms:
make sim-waves
The above command assumes simulation had been previously run with the VCD variable set to 1. Otherwise an error issued.
To compile the FPGA:
make fpga
To clean FPGA files:
make fpga-clean
To clean and also delete any used FPGA vendor IP core:
make fpga-clean-ip
To load the board with an FPGA configuration bitstream file:
make board-load
To load the board with the most recently compiled firmware and run:
make board-run
To clean the board directory:
make board-clean
The following commands assume the RISC-V toolchain is installed. Otherwise follow the instructions below to install the toolchain.
To compile the firmware:
make firmware
To clean the firmware directory:
make firmware-clean
To compile the bootloader:
make bootloader
To clean the bootloader directory:
make bootloader-clean
To compile the provided console PC program to communicate with the board:
make console
To clean the console directory
make console-clean
To clean all software directories
make sw-clean
The following commands assume a full installation of Latex is present. Otherwise install it. The texlive-full Linux package is recommended.
To compile the chosen document type:
make document [DOC_TYPE=[pb|presentation]]
To clean the chosen document type:
make doc-clean [DOC_TYPE=[pb|presentation]]
To clean the chosen document type including the pdf file:
make doc-pdfclean [DOC_TYPE=[pb|presentation]]
If you create a system using IOb-SoC, you will will want to exhaustively test it in simulation and FPGA board. The following commands automate this process.
Tho run a series of simulation tests on the simulator selected by the SIMULATOR variable:
make test-simulator
Tho run a series of simulation tests on the simulators listed in the SIM_LIST variable:
make test-all-simulators
The above commands will produce a simulation log test.log. With the test-all-simulators target, test.log is compared with the expected file in test/test-sim.log; if they are different an error is issued.
To create an updated test-sim.log, inspect the test.log file. If you deem the file correct replace the test-sim.log file with it:
mv test.log test/test-sim.log
Run the test-all-simulators target and verify that the test now passes.
To compile and run a particular system configuration on the board selected by the BOARD variable:
make test-board-config
To compile and run a series of system configurations on the board selected by the BOARD variable:
make test-board
To compile and run a series of system configurations on the boards listed in the BOARD_LIST variable:
make test-all-boards
The above commands will produce a board run log test.log. With the test-all-boards target, test.log is compared with the expected file in test/test-fpga.log; if they are different an error is issued.
To create an updated test-fpga.log, inspect the test.log file. If you deem the file correct replace the test-fpga.log file with it:
mv test.log test/test-fpga.log
Run the test-all-boards target and verify that the test now passes.
The following command will clean the selected directories for simulation, FPGA compilation and board run:
make clean-all
git clone
For Ubuntu OS and its variants:
sudo apt install autoconf automake autotools-dev curl python3 python2 libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev gawk build-essential bison flex texinfo gperf libtool patchutils bc zlib1g-dev libexpat-dev
To check your python version, use:
python --version
If this doesn't return Python 2.*, navigate to your /usr/bin folder and soft-link python2 to python using:
sudo ln -s python2 /usr/bin/python
For CentOS and its variants:
sudo yum install autoconf automake python3 python2 libmpc-devel mpfr-devel gmp-devel gawk bison flex texinfo patchutils gcc gcc-c++ zlib-devel expat-devel
cd riscv-gnu-toolchain
./configure --prefix=/path/to/riscv --enable-multilib
sudo make -j$(nproc)
This will take a while... After it is done do:
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/riscv/bin
The above command should be added to the bottom of your ~/.bashrc file, so that you do not have to type it every session.