I'm evaluating SRT for stream contribution, and the early results with using the built-in live transmit tool has been promising once I found out where to put the latency argument. My use case is using the srt-live-transmit
as a process spawned from a central management system, and for that good monitoring information is important.
However, I have noticed the statistics option for srt-live-transmit
does not output all monitoring data it has access to, and the format – while good for human readability and debugging – is not very suited for parsing by client programs.
I have added an option for that in a local copy of the repo that prints in a JSON format (except not prettified like the example below), but I want to see what you think about this before cleaning that code up and sending a pull request.
"sid": 948948699,
"time": 3310824,
"window": {
"flow": 8192,
"congestion": 8192,
"flight": 0
"link": {
"rtt": 253.417,
"bandwidth": 113.28,
"maxBandwidth": 30
"send": {
"packets": 0,
"packetsLost": 0,
"packetsDropped": 0,
"packetsRetransmitted": 0,
"bytes": 0,
"bytesDropped": 0,
"mbitRate": 0
"recv": {
"packets": 886507,
"packetsLost": 17,
"packetsDopped": 0,
"packetsRetransmitted": 39,
"packetsBelated": 19,
"bytes": 1114118900,
"bytesLost": 20222,
"bytesDropped": 0,
"mbitRate": 2.69206