Conversion of biomolecules to Voronoi diagrams.
bionoi constructs the voronoi diagram (VD) of protein binding site/pocket or ligand structure based on the 3D or 2D coordinate structure.
- Python 3
- numpy 1.14+
- scipy 0.18+
- Pandas 0.19+
- scikit-spatial 0.12.0
- matplotlib 2.0.2+
- biopandas ; eg : pip/conda install biopandas
- copy/download the code from GitHub
- If input is a 3D coordinate of protein/ligand, it will be projected to 2D plane
- Run with a .mol2 file (see Examples)
create a 2D image using mol2 file in 2D or 3D format
./ -mol 4v94E.mol2 -out out.jpg -dpi 120 -alpha 0.5 -size 128
An example of voronoi image of ATP-binding site protein pocket colored by atom types:
chaperonin (4v94, chain E)
Rajiv Gandhi Govindaraj, Jeffrey Lemoine, Limeng Pu, Ye Fang and Michal Brylinski.