Luminol is a Folia fork with many useful optimizations, configurable vanilla features, and more API supports, and it was designed for survival and anarchy servers
English | 中文
- Configurable vanilla features
- Tpsbar support
- Useful optimizations to improve the performance of single threaded region
- More API support for plugin development (W.I.P)
Any versions are available in the release, also you can build it by yourself through the following steps.
To build a paperclip jar, you need to run the following command. You can find the jar in build/libs(Note: JDK17 is needed)
./gradlew applyPatches && ./gradlew createMojmapPaperclipJar
For gradle:
repositories {
maven {
url = ""
dependencies {
For maven
If you are interested in this project or have any issue, feel free to ask us.
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When you meet any problems, just ask us, we will do our best to solve it, but remember to state your problem clear and provide enough logs etc.
See Contributing