Something to unify both the respirator and various ideas for "spicy air" (gasmask, radiation from slime pools, etc).
Already have done some work on this privately, just need to pick it back up.
- Zones could be defined as unsafe, safe, or vulnerable.
- Vulnerable zones would become unsafe or safe, depending on what they're connected to.
- Can discriminate based sector-based effects by sky, no sky, secret, or maybe even fog/fade density.
- Option for grid-based tracking and propagation. Probably nothing smaller than 128x128x128, iterated in small chunks or BSP-style from player's location to save performance
- Use particles or sector fades to indicate "bad" air? Let player set option for visual representation.
- Option for whether the player breathes or not when air is bad. If you breath in bad air you may take damage (aggo?). If you prefer to hold breath then you'll "suffocate" instead.
- Need to PR to HDest some mechanism for treating air supply as a different form of damage than pure HP. Raising fatigue would probably do the trick, cause eventual heart attack in the player.
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