an (in progress) FU fork for people that hate research n stuff!
NOTE: Unicerst is NOT associated OR endorsed by the Frackin Universe team.
Update 1.0.0: The Great Unfrackening
- Replace assets we do not have rights to with placeholders
- Change above placeholder assets with self-made assets
- Remove Healing cooldown
- Remove Research (at the very least, for vanilla content)
- Revamp the Cat-A-Pult, so that instead of firing cats it fires normal projectiles, but is cat-themed!
- Major dialogue revamp, for both Frackin Universe and Vanilla dialouge
- Weapon revamps & new weapons
- Remove "Anti-cheat" that is messed up item IDs
- Fix compatibility with mods that require Frackin Universe
- Remove duplicate & useless items
- Optimize code and filesizes
- Replace Kevin with "brickass"
- Make the Madness mechanic actually cool and fun
- Make cosmic damage not suck
- Replace Vinalsj
- Change all item IDs to match the new naming convention (this one is gonna suuuuuuuck)