This repo contains some code to fit the Von Bertalanffy growth model developped in the publication
- Bal G., Rivot E., Prévost E., Piou C. & Baglinière J.-L. (2011). Effect of water temperature and density of salmonid juveniles on growth of young-of-the-year Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L.. Journal of Fish Biology 78, pp 1002-1022.
Only the full model including both density and temperature as covariates is provided. The files organization is as follows:
- '' runs data simulations and fit. You need to install jags, the packages required and adapt the working directory
- '' is the R file doing the simulation with parameters close to that of the model fittedin the publication
- '' fits the model with JAGS, some summary of the fit are provided / computed
- 'model.vb.dens.temp.txt' is the model coded in jags whom parameters are :
- k.opt, the maximum growth rate reached for optimal temperature and density conditions
- l.inf, length at infinity
- beta.dens, density effect
- t.min, t.opt, t.max which are respectively the minimum, optimum and maximum temperature for growth. They are not estimated during the fit
- sd.vbgm, the standard error around the Von Bertalanffy growth curve
A folder containing MCMC chains, their plots and their summaries will be created when running the fit file.