HollandTS is a Framework developed in TypeScript to help solving genetic algorithm problems.
Based on https://github.com/univas/AG2016/
- NodeJS and NPM
After downloading or cloning the repository, use:
npm install -g typescript
npm run start
Running the project in "Test" will get the maximum result
of the sine function of a number of 20-BIT with domain 0 to 2 * PÍ
Any help on the project is more than welcomed.
For any problem/question do not hesitate to open an issue.
Comparison function is set in the framework and should be out.
Input interface values
Others examples of https://github.com/univas/AG2016/tree/master/AGFramework/src/edu/univas/si7
Implements enum to model ('binary', 'permutation')
Copyright 2016 Guilherme Sanches
This software is released under the MIT license.