Welcome to "Fifth Of Hell" - An exciting text adventure game where you find yourself lost in a dark and mysterious forest. Get ready to explore, make decisions, and face challenges as you fight for survival. Your journey is about to begin...
"Some travelers, in the midst of a long journey, find themselves on a path leading to an unfamiliar forest. Before nightfall, they seek a place where they can set up shelter, and after finding one, they begin to assemble their camp. As darkness descends, they light a fire to serve as their source of warmth and light, until they hear cries coming from the forest..."
"Fifth Of Hell" is developed with a set of modern technologies to provide an engaging and interactive experience. Here are the key technologies used in this project:
React with Vite: The project is built using React with Vite as the bundler. This enables fast and efficient development.
TypeScript: TypeScript is used to add static typing to JavaScript, making the code safer and more readable.
Styled Components: Styled Components is a library that allows for flexible and reusable component styling, ensuring a consistent look throughout the app.
Material-UI: Material-UI is a UI component library based on Google's Material Design. It provides ready-to-use and customizable components to create an attractive and functional user interface.
To run the project on your local machine, follow these steps:
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/Guilherme-07062002/fifth-hell-react.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd repository-name
Install the dependencies:
yarn # or npm install
Start the development server
yarn dev # or npm run dev
Open the app in your browser:
The app will be available at http://localhost:5173
You are welcome to contribute to the development of this project. Follow the contribution guidelines and submit a pull request with your improvements.