Stanford / Winter 2019 cs224n 学习笔记
all code finished
Run your model on the test set using:
sh test
and report your test set BLEU score in your assignment write-up. Also ensure that
the output file outputs/test outputs.txt is present and unmodified { this will be
included in your submission, and we’ll use it to verify your self-reported BLEU score.
Given your BLEU score b, here’s how your points will be determined for this sub-problem:
blue score | point |
0≤b<21 | 0 |
21≤b<22.5 | 2 |
22.5≤ b | 6 |
A5 Decoding: 100% 8064/8064 [40:53<00:00, 3.52it/s]
Corpus BLEU: 24.25344745890522