This is how you use this possibly useful API.
#first we import the main class
from pyCUE_api.pyCUE_api import Controller
#We setup our dll handler
#This function takes an optional parameter of True. (If not specified it defaults to False)
#This paramater is used to determin if this program is going to take exclusive control of your led controller.
handle = Controller()
#NOTE: Device IDs count up from 0 so if you only have 1 device your Device ID would be 0.
#To get the amount of devices detected
count = handle.deviceGetCount() #(Returns an Integer)
#Get the device(s) model names(s)
model = handle.deviceGetModels(deviceid) #Parameters(Device ID | Returns a string)
models = handle.deviceGetModels() #(Returns a dictionary with keys being device ids and values being device model)
#Get device led ids Parameters(Device ID | Returns a list of Led IDs)
leds = handle.ledGetIds(deviceid)
#We can then get the led count
count = handle.ledGetCount(deviceid) #(Paramaters taken Integer | Returns an Integer)
count = handle.ledGetCount() #For Keyboards: (Returns an Integer)
#Get the current LED color using a Device ID. (Paramaters taken int DeviceID | Returns an Array)
array = handle.ledGetColor(deviceid, ledid)
red = array[0].r #red
green = array[0].g #green
blue = array[0].b #blue
#Get the current LED color using a Device ID. (Paramaters taken int DeviceID, int list ledids | Returns an Array of Objects)
objectarray = handle.ledGetColor(deviceid, [200,201])
led1_red = objectarray[0].r #LED 1 Red
led1_green = objectarray[0].g #LED 1 Green
led1_blue = objectarray[0].b #LED 1 Blue
led2_red = objectarray[1].r #LED 2 Red
led2_green = objectarray[1].g #LED 2 Green
led2_blue = objectarray[1].b #LED 2 Blue
#Set an led to a color
#Paramaters taken int Device ID, int Led ID, List of Red, Green, and Blue, EXAMPLE: [Red, Green, Blue]
handle.ledSetColor(deviceid, ledid, [0, 255, 0]) # Set the Led ID specifed to the color Green
handle.flush() #Makes the change apear on the Led
from pyCUE_api.pyCUE_api import Controller
handle = Controller()
count = handle.deviceGetCount()
print("Devices Found: %s" %(str(count)))
model = handle.deviceGetModels(0)
print("Device 0 Model: %s" %(model))
models = handle.deviceGetModels()
for deviceid in models:
model = models[deviceid]
print("Device %s Model: %s" %(str(deviceid), model))
leds = handle.ledGetIds(0)
for pos, ledid in enumerate(leds):
print("Led %s: %s" %(str(pos + 1), str(ledid)))
count = handle.ledGetCount(0)
print("Leds found on Device 0: %s" %(str(count)))
arrayobject = handle.ledGetColor(0, 200)
r = arrayobject[0].r
g = arrayobject[0].g
b = arrayobject[0].b
print("LED ID 200 on Device 0 Color: [%s, %s, %s]" %(str(r), str(g), str(b)))
handle.ledSet(0, 200, [0, 0, 255])
print("Set LED ID 200 on Device 0 to Blue")