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Draft release notes on tag #70

Draft release notes on tag

Draft release notes on tag #70

name: Draft release notes on tag
name: Draft release notes
if: github.event.ref_type == 'tag' && github.event.master_branch == 'master'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Get milestone title
id: milestoneTitle
uses: actions/github-script@d7906e4ad0b1822421a7e6a35d5ca353c962f410 # 6.4.1
result-encoding: string
script: |
// Get the milestone title ("X.Y.Z") from tag name ("vX.Y.Z")
const milestoneTitle = '${{github.event.ref}}'.startsWith('v') ?
'${{github.event.ref}}'.substring(1) :
// Look for the milestone
const milestone = (await github.paginate('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/milestones', {
owner: context.repo.owner,
repo: context.repo.repo,
state: 'all'
})).find(m => m.title == milestoneTitle)
if (!milestone) {
core.setFailed('Failed to find milestone: ${milestoneTitle}')
// Get pull requests of the milestone
const pullRequests = (await github.paginate('/repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues', {
owner: context.repo.owner,
repo: context.repo.repo,
milestone: milestone.number,
state: 'closed'
.filter(i => i.pull_request && i.pull_request.merged_at) // Skip closed but not merged
.filter(p => !p.labels.find(label => == 'tag: no release notes')) // Skip excluded
// Group PR by components and instrumentations
var prByComponents = new Map()
var prByInstrumentations = new Map()
var otherPRs = new Array()
for (let pullRequest of pullRequests) {
var captured = false
for (let label of pullRequest.labels) {
const index =':')
if (index == -1) {
core.notice('Unsupported label: ${}')
const labelKey =, index)
const labelValue = + 1)
var map = null
if (labelKey == 'comp') {
map = prByComponents
} else if (labelKey == 'inst') {
map = prByInstrumentations
if (map) {
var prs = map.get(label.description)
if (!prs) {
prs = new Array()
map.set(label.description, prs)
captured = true
if (!captured) {
// Sort components and instrumenations
prByComponents = new Map([...prByComponents].sort());
const lastInstrumentation = 'All other instrumentations'
prByInstrumentations = new Map([...prByInstrumentations].sort(
(a, b) => {
if (a[0] == lastInstrumentation) {
return 1
} else if (b[0] == lastInstrumentation) {
return -1
return String(a[0]).localeCompare(b[0])
// Generate changelog
const decorators = {
'tag: breaking change': ':warning:',
'tag: experimental': ':test_tube:',
'tag: diagnostics': ':mag:',
'tag: performance': ':zap:',
'tag: security': ':closed_lock_with_key:',
'type: bug': ':bug:',
'type: documentation': ':book:',
'type: enhancement': ':sparkles:',
'type: feature request': ':bulb:',
'type: refactoring': ':broom:'
function decorate(pullRequest) {
var line = ''
var decorated = false;
for (let label of pullRequest.labels) {
if (decorators[]) {
line += decorators[]
decorated = true
if (decorated) {
line += ' '
return line
function format(pullRequest) {
var line = `${decorate(pullRequest)}${pullRequest.title} (#${pullRequest.number}`
// Add author if community labeled
if (pullRequest.labels.some(label => == "tag: community")) {
line += ` - thanks @${pull.user.login} for the contribution!`
line += ')'
return line;
var changelog = '';
if (prByComponents.size > 0) {
changelog += '# Components\n\n';
for (let pair of prByComponents) {
changelog += '## '+pair[0]+'\n\n'
for (let pullRequest of pair[1]) {
changelog += '* ' + format(pullRequest) + '\n'
changelog += '\n'
if (prByInstrumentations.size > 0) {
changelog += '# Instrumentations\n\n'
for (let pair of prByInstrumentations) {
changelog += '## '+pair[0]+'\n\n'
for (let pullRequest of pair[1]) {
changelog += '* ' + format(pullRequest) + '\n'
changelog += '\n'
if (otherPRs.length > 0) {
changelog += '# Other changes\n\n'
for (let pullRequest of otherPRs) {
changelog += '* ' + format(pullRequest) + '\n'
// Create release with the draft changelog
await github.repos.createRelease({
owner: context.repo.owner,
repo: context.repo.repo,
tag_name: '${{ github.event.ref }}',
name: milestoneTitle,
draft: true,
body: changelog