A thin Java and C++ layer on top of the simulator which allows creation and dispatching of HSAIL kernels.
Note: the last 5 are prequisites of the simulator or libhsail and will be checked for in the "ant -f build-okra-sim.xml" below
- java jdk, with JAVA_HOME environment variable set
- ant, with ANT_HOME environment variable set
- git
- svn
- libelf-dev
- libdwarf-dev
- flex
- cmake
####To build:
- git clone https://github.com/HSAFoundation/Okra-Interface-to-HSAIL-Simulator.git okra
- cd okra
- ant -f build-okra-sim.xml
- Now add okra/dist/bin to your PATH and to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables
- cd okra/samples
- chmod +x *.sh
- ./build.sh
- ./run.sh
- cd okra/samples.jni
- chmod +x *.sh
- ./build.sh
- ./run.sh