Test project including.
- launching a docker container containing a postgres database
- population of the database with well-known data from the northwind DB
- running the container on port localhost:5432
- code for retrieving data from the DB based on a simple sql query
- table analysis using the pandas library
- creation of a graph using the matplotlib library
- image export to jpg
- install docker
- install python v3.6+
- create docker image with postgres database (you may need sudo privileges). You do in once.
# get (pull) postgres image
docker pull postgres
cd docker_files
FROM postgres
COPY ./northwind.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
# Build new image with db
# -t - container tag, name
# . (dot) - don't forget the dot at the end!
docker buildx build -t nwdb .
From now on, you can run the container from the built image, which includes the Northwind database
# run container
# -d - detached (run in background)
# -rm - remove container after quit
# -p - expose port
# -e - setting password for db
docker run -d --rm -p 5432:5432 --name nwdbc -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=northwind -d nwdb
cd ~/{project_directory}
python3 main.py
# run script with csv export
python3 main.py -csv
- check the generated graphs in the plots catalogue (jpg)
# stop container
docker stop nwdbc