Cerulean is the engaging gaming app that fits your mood. By selecting how you feel when you open the app, you are invited to explore activities tailored to your state of mind including an easygoing scrolling game, interactive chat, and relaxation exercise. Discover a digital experience customized to your emotions, all at your fingertips.
- Mary Anhalt: LinkedIn / Github
- Daurie Basham: LinkedIn / Github
- Eve Holzgruber: LinkedIn / Github
- Lisa Younes: LinkedIn / Github
Clone the repo onto your local drive, then:
npm install
npm run start:dev
Experience on Youtube: Cerulean
Experience on Heroku: Cerulean
- Graphics: Mary Anhalt
- Game Room Sprite: Daurie Basham
- Concept Creator: Eve Holzgruber
- Breathing Visual: Lisa Younes
- Music: Bensound