taserver release v2.7.0
Features added:
- the game server now generates the summary screen at the end of the match
- the next map is now randomly selected from the maps with the most votes
- the duration of a map vote is now equal to ServerSettings.EndMatchWaitTime
- the result of a map vote is announced in chat
- kicking a player of level 15+ now requires more yes votes (66% iso 50%)
- a command line option --data-root was added to allow running multiple servers
from the same taserver directory. - log files have been moved from the taserver root dir and My Documents to the
data/logs directory. - the server admin part in ootb/serverconfig.lua was restructured to more easily
define roles with limited permissions
Minor improvements:
- the map voting prompt now clearly states that only verified players can vote
- authbot logging now masks email addresses
- login server logging has been made less verbose to maintain a longer history
Bugs fixed:
- map voting messages are only given if map voting is on
- fixed "HTTP 403 Forbidden" errors that prevented players from joining
and servers from starting up - avoid a crash when starting the login server without an account database
- download_udpproxy.py now downloads a 32-bit executable to avoid additional run-time dependencies
Compatibility notes:
- this release is compatible with the previous release, but it logs to the data/logs
directory instead of to the taserver directory and the My Documents folder. You can
remove the logs in the old locations or you can move them to data/logs before
starting the server. - for the match summary screen you will need to rerun download_compatible_controller.py
on the game server
- TAMods-Server 0.8.3
- TAMods 1.18