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Gr1mmie authored Jul 23, 2020
1 parent 89ad30b commit 64decd1
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Showing 5 changed files with 866 additions and 0 deletions.
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions functions/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@

banner (){
tput setaf 6
echo ' -- '
echo ' ____ _ __ __ / /_ ____ ___ ____ __ __ ____ ___ '
echo ' / __ `// / / // __// __ \ / _ \ / __ \ / / / // __ `__ \ '
echo ' / /_/ // /_/ // /_ / /_/ // __// / / // /_/ // / / / / / '
echo ' \__,_/ \__,_/ \__/ \____/ \___//_/ /_/ \__,_//_/ /_/ /_/ '
echo " "
tput bold; echo "Author: Grimmie "
tput bold; echo "Version: 3.0.0 "
tput sgr0
sleep 1.025

249 changes: 249 additions & 0 deletions functions/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@

redis_enum (){
mkdir $loot/redis
tput setaf 2;echo "[+] Starting redis enum";tput sgr0
nmap --script redis-info -sV -p 6379 $IP
echo "msf> use auxiliary/scanner/redis/redis_server" >> $loot/redis/manual_cmds

snmp_enum (){
mkdir $loot/snmp
tput setaf 2;echo "[+] Starting snmp enum";tput sgr0
onesixtyone -c /usr/share/doc/onesixtyone/dict.txt $IP | tee -a $loot/snmp/snmpenum
# create algo to check which version of snmp is runnign or pull it off a banner grab
snmp-check -c public -v 1 -d $IP | tee -a $loot/snmp/snmpcheck
if grep -q "SNMP request timeout" "$loot/snmp/snmpcheck";then
rm $loot/snmp/snmpcheck
snmpwalk -c public -v2c $IP | tee -a $loot/snmp/uderstuff
echo "snmpwalk -c public -v2c $IP" >> $loot/snmp/cmds_run &
if grep -q "timeout" "$loot/snmp/uderstuff";then rm $loot/snmp/uderstuff;else mv $loot/snmp/uderstuff $loot/snmp/snmpenum;fi
mv $loot/snmp/snmpcheck $loot/snmp/snmpenum
echo "onesixtyone -c /usr/share/doc/onesixtyone/dict.txt $IP" >> $loot/snmp/cmds_run &
echo "snmp-check -c public $IP" >> $loot/snmp/cmds_run &
rm $IP/autoenum/loot/raw/snmp_found

rpc_enum (){
mkdir $loot/rpc
tput setaf 2;echo "[+] Starting rpc enum";tput sgr0
port=$(cat $loot/raw/rpc_found | grep "rpc" | awk '{print($1)}' | cut -d '/' -f 1)
nmap -sV -p $port --script=rpcinfo >> $loot/rpc/ports
if grep -q "" "$loot/rpc/ports";then rm $loot/rpc/ports;fi
rpcbind -p $IP | tee -a $loot/rpc/versions
if grep -q "nfs" "$loot/rpc/ports";then nfs_enum;fi
rm $loot/raw/rpc_found

nfs_enum (){
mkdir $loot/nfs
tput setaf 2;echo "[+] Starting nfs enum";tput sgr0
nmap -p 111 --script nfs* $IP | tee $loot/nfs/scripts
# add chunk to automount if share is found
share=$(cat $loot/nfs/scripts | grep "|_ " -m 1 | awk '{print($2)}')
if grep -q "mfs-showmount" "$loot/nfs/scripts";then
mkdir $loots/nfs/mount
# pull share location and assign it to share var
mount -o nolock $IP:$share $loot/nfs/mount

pop3_enum (){
mkdir $loot/pop3
tput setaf 2;echo "[+] Starting pop3 enum";tput sgr0
nmap -sV --script pop3-brute $IP | tee -a $loot/pop3/brute
echo "telnet $IP 110" >> $loot/pop3/manual_cmds
rm $loot/raw/pop3_found

imap_enum (){
echo "[+] Work in progress"

ldap_enum (){
mkdir $loot/ldap
tput setaf 2;echo "[+] Starting ldap enum";tput sgr0
nmap -vv -Pn -sV -p 389 --script='(ldap* or ssl*) and not (brute or broadcast or dos or external or fuzzer)' $IP | tee -a $loot/ldap/ldap_scripts
#ldapsearch -x -h $rhost -s base namingcontexts | tee -a $loot/ldap/ldapsearch &
echo "nmap -vv -Pn -sV -p 389 --script='(ldap* or ssl*) and not (brute or broadcast or dos or external or fuzzer)' $IP" >> $loot/ldap/cmds_run &
rm $loot/raw/ldap_found

dns_enum (){
mkdir $loot/dns
# mainly for pentesting use, not neccesary rn for oscp. retest later when adding to this
#host $IP >> $loot/dns/host_out
#host -t mx $IP >> $loot/dns/host_out
#host -t txt $IP >> $loot/dns/host_out
#host -t ns $IP >> $loot/dns/host_out
#host -t ptr $IP >> $loot/dns/host_out
#host -t cname $IP >> $loot/dns/host_out
#host -t a $IP >> $loot/dns/host_out
#for host in <list of subs>;do host -l <host> <dns server addr>;done
#fierce -dns $IP
#dnsenum --enum $IP
#dnsrecon -d $IP
#gobuster -dns $IP

echo " "

ftp_enum (){
mkdir -p $loot/ftp
echo "[+] Starting FTP enum..."
cat $loot/raw/ftp_found | awk '{print($1)}' | cut -d '/' -f 1 > $loot/ftp/port_list
for port in $(cat $loot/ftp/port_list);do
nmap -sV -Pn -p $port --script=ftp-anon,ftp-bounce,ftp-libopie,ftp-proftpd-backdoor,ftp-vsftpd-backdoor,ftp-vuln-cve2010-4221,ftp-syst -v $IP | tee -a $loot/ftp/ftp_scripts
echo "nmap -sV -Pn -p $port --script=ftp-anon,ftp-bounce,ftp-libopie,ftp-proftpd-backdoor,ftp-vsftpd-backdoor,ftp-vuln-cve2010-4221,ftp-syst -v $IP " >> $loot/ftp/cmds_run &
rm $loot/ftp/port_list
rm $loot/raw/ftp_found
echo "[+] FTP enum complete"

smtp_enum (){
mkdir $loot/smtp
echo "[+] Starting SNMP enum..."
cat $loot/raw/snmp_found | awk '{print($1)}' | cut -d '/' -f 1 > $loot/smtp/port_list
for port in $(cat $loot/smtp/port_list);do
smtp-user-enum -M VRFY -U /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/unix_users.txt -t $IP -p $port | tee -a $loot/smtp/users
if grep -q "0 results" "$loot/smtp/users";then rm $loot/smtp/users;fi
echo "nc -nvv $IP $port" >> $loot/smtp/maunal_cmds
echo "telnet $IP $port" >> $loot/smpt/manual_cmds
echo "smtp-user-enum -M VRFY -U /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/unix_users.txt -t $IP -p $port" >> $loot/smtp/cmds_run &
rm $loot/smtp/port_list
rm $loot/raw/smtp_found

oracle_enum (){
mkdir $loot/oracle
echo "[+] Starting Oracle enum..."
#swap out port with port(s) found running oracle
nmap -sV -p 1521 --script oracle-enum-users.nse,oracle-sid-brute.nse,oracle-tns-version.nse | tee -a $loot/oracle/nmapstuff
oscanner -v -s $IP -P 1521 | tee -a $loot/oracle/
echo "[+] Running ODAT..."
odat tnscmd -s $rhost --version --status --ping 2>/dev/null | tee -a $loot/oracle/odat_tnscmd
odat sidguesser -s $rhost 2>/dev/null | tee -a $loot/oracle/odat_enum
rm $loot/raw/oracle_found

http_enum (){
mkdir -p $IP/autoenum/loot/http
echo "[+] http enum starting..."
pct=$(cat $loot/raw/http_found | wc -l)
if [[ $pct -gt 1 ]];then
echo "[+] Multiple HTTP ports detected"
for port in $(cat $loot/raw/http_found);do
mkdir $loot/http/$port
echo "[+] Firing up nikto on port $port"
nikto -ask=no -h $IP:$port -T 123b | tee -a $loot/http/$port/nitko
echo "[+] checking ssl for possible holes on port $port"
sslscan --show-certificate $IP:$port | tee -a $loot/http/$port/sslinfo &
echo "[+] Curling interesting files on port $port"
curl -sSiK $IP:$port/index.html | tee -a $loot/http/$port/landingpage &
curl -sSik $IP:$port/robots.txt | tee -a $loot/http/$port/robots.txt &
echo -e "\n[+] Pulling headers/plugin info with whatweb on port $port"
whatweb -a3 $IP:$port 2>/dev/null | tee -a $loot/http/$port/whatweb &
echo "[+] bruteforcing dirs on $IP:$port"
gobuster dir -re -t 65 -u http://$IP:$port -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-small.txt -o $loot/http/$port/dirs_found -k
# if IIS detected
# echo "[*] IIS detected"
# echo "[+] enumerating dav..."
# mkdir -p $loot/dav
# davtest -url http://$IP:$port | tee -a $loot/dav/dav_enum_$port
# if wordpress detected
# echo -e "[*] WordPress detected\nRunning wpscan"
# run wpscan | tee -a $loot/http/wpscan_$port
elif [[ $pct == 1 ]];then
port=$(cat $loot/raw/http_found)
echo "[+] firing up nikto"
nikto -ask=no -h $IP:$port >> $loot/http/nikto_out &
#echo "[+] Running unican in background"
#uniscan -u http://$IP -bqweds >> $loot/http/uniscan
echo "[+] checking ssl for possible holes"
sslscan --show-certificate $IP:$port | tee -a $loot/http/sslinfo
echo "[+] Pulling headers/plugin info with whatweb"
whatweb -a3 $IP:$port 2>/dev/null | tee -a $loot/http/whatweb
echo "[+] Curling interesting files"
curl -sSiK $IP:$port/index.html | tee -a $loot/http/landingpage &
curl -sSik $IP:$port/robots.txt | tee -a $loot/http/robots.txt &
echo "[+] bruteforcing dirs on $IP"
gobuster dir -re -t 65 -u $IP:$port -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-small.txt -o $loot/http/dirs_found -k
# if IIS detected
# echo "[+] enumerating dav..."
# davtest -url http://$IP | tee -a $loot/http/dav_enum
# if wordpress detected
# echo -e "[*] WordPress detected\nRunning wpscan"
# run wpscan | tee -a $loot/http/wpscan_$port

touch $loot/http/cmds_run
echo "uniscan -u http://$IP -qweds" >> $loot/http/cmds_run &
echo "sslscan --show-certificate $IP:80 " >> $loot/http/cmds_run &
echo "nikto -h $IP" >> $loot/http/cmds_run &
echo "gobuster dir -re -t 45 -u $IP -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt" >> $loot/http/cmds_run &
echo "curl -sSiK $IP" >> $loot/http/cmds_run &
echo "curl -sSiK $IP/robots.txt" >> $loot/http/cmds_run &
echo "whatweb -v -a 3 $IP" >> $loot/http/cmds_run &
# echo "wafw00f http://$IP" >> $loot/http/cmds_run &
echo "[+] http enum complete!"

smb_enum (){
echo "[+] Starting SMB enum..."
mkdir -p $loot/smb
mkdir -p $loot/smb/shares
# checks for eternal blue and other common smb vulns
nmap --script smb-vuln-ms17-010.nse --script-args=unsafe=1 -p 139,445 $IP | tee -a $loot/smb/eternalblue
if ! grep -q "smb-vuln-ms17-010:" "auotenum/loot/smb/eternalblue"; then rm $loot/smb/eternalblue;fi
nmap --script smb-vuln-ms08-067.nse --script-args=unsafe=1 -p 445 $IP | tee -a $loot/smb/08-067
if ! grep -q "smb-vuln-ms08-067:" "autoenum/loot/smb/08-067";then rm $loot/smb/08-067;fi
nmap --script smb-vuln* -p 139,445 $IP | tee -a $loot/smb/gen_vulns
#shares n' stuff
nmap --script smb-enum-shares -p 139,445 $IP | tee -a $loot/smb/shares/nmap_shares
smbmap -H $IP -R | tee -a $loot/smb/shares/smbmap_out
smbclient -N -L \\\\$IP | tee -a $loot/smb/shares/smbclient_out
if grep -q "Not enough '\' characters in service" "$loot/smb/shares/smbclient_out";then smbclient -N -H \\\\\\$IP | tee -a $loot/smb/shares/smbclient_out;fi
if grep -q "Not enough '\' characters in service" "$loot/smb/shares/smbclient_out";then smbclient -N -H \\$IP | tee -a $loot/smb/shares/smbclient_out;fi
if grep -q "Not enough '\' characters in service" "$loot/smb/shares/smbclient_out";then rm $loot/smb/shares/smbclient_out; echo "smbclient could not be auotmatically run, rerun smbclient -N -H [IP] manauly" >> $loot/smb/notes;fi
if grep -q "Error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL" "$loot/smb/shares/smbclient_out";then rm $loot/smb/shares/smbclient;fi
if [[ -s "$loot/smb/shares/smbclient_out" ]];then echo "smb shares open to null login, use rpcclient -U '' -N [ip] to run rpc commands, use smbmap -u null -p '' -H $IP -R to verify this" >> $loot/smb/notes;fi
find ~ -path '*/$IP/autoenum/loot/smb/*' -type f > $loot/smb/files
for file in $(cat $loot/smb/files);do
if grep -q "QUITTING!" "$file" || grep -q "ERROR: Script execution failed" "$file" || grep "segmentation fault" "$file";then rm $file;fi
touch $loot/smb/cmds_run
echo "nmap --script smb-vuln-ms17-010.nse --script-args=unsafe=1 -p 139,445 $IP " >> $loot/smb/cmds_run &
echo "nmap --script smb-vuln-ms08-067.nse --script-args=unsafe=1 -p 445 $IP" >> $loot/smb/cmds_run &
echo "nmap --script smb-vuln* -p 139,445 $IP" >> $loot/smb/cmds_run &
echo "nmap --script smb-enum-shares -p 139,445 $IP" >> $loot/smb/cmds_run &
echo "smbmap -H $IP -R " >> $loot/smb/cmds_run &
echo "smbclient -N -L \\\\$IP " >> $loot/smb/cmds_run &
rm $loot/smb/files
rm $loot/raw/smb_found
echo "[+] SMB enum complete!"

linux_enum (){
#get exact snmp version
echo "[-] Work in Progress"

windows_enum (){
# get exact snmp version
# pull entire MIB into sections
echo "[-] Work in Progress"

130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions functions/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@

cleanup (){
echo "[+] Cleaning up..."
find $IP/autoenum/ -type d -empty -delete
find $IP/autoenum/ -type f -empty -delete
if [[ -f "installed" ]];then rm installed;fi

get_ip (){
echo -e
echo "Enter a target IP or hostname"
tput bold;tput setaf 1; echo -en "Autoenum > ";tput sgr0
read unchecked_IP
if [[ $unchecked_IP =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]];then
IP="$unchecked_IP";sleep 1
cwd=$(pwd);ping -c 1 -W 3 $IP | head -n2 | tail -n1 > $cwd/tmp
if ! grep -q "64 bytes" "tmp";then
echo -e "[-] IP failed to resolve\n[-] Exiting..."
rm $cwd/tmp
tput setaf 4;echo -e "[+] IP set to $IP";tput sgr0;echo -e
elif [[ $unchecked_IP =~ [a-z,A-Z,0-9].[a-z]$ ]] || [[ $unchecked_IP =~ [a-z].[a-z,A-Z,0-9].[a-z]$ ]];then
IP=$(host $unchecked_IP | head -n1 | awk '{print($4)}')
tput setaf 4;echo -e "$unchecked_IP resolved to $IP\n";tput sgr0
tput setaf 8
echo "[-] Invalid IP or hostname detected."
echo -e "[-] Example:\n\t[>]\n\t[>]"
tput sgr0

shell_preserve (){
echo "[+] You have entered shell mode. use done to exit"
while true ;do
echo -en "[+] Command > ";read cmd
if [[ "$cmd" =~ "done" ]];then
$cmd 2>/dev/null;echo -e
elif [[ "$cmd" =~ "exit" ]];then
echo -en "[-] Exit shell mode? [y/n] > ";read opt
if [[ "$opt" == "y" ]];then
echo -e "[-] Exiting shell mode\n"
$cmd 2>/dev/null

halp_meh (){
tput smul;echo "General Commands:";tput rmul
echo -e "[*] ping"
echo -e "[*] help"
echo -e "[*] banner"
echo -e "[*] clear"
# echo -e "[*] home"
echo -e "[*] reset"
echo -e "[*] commands"
echo -e "[*] shell"
echo -e "[*] upgrade"
echo -e "[*] set target"
# echo -e "[*] use [tool]"
echo -e "[*] exit"
echo -e
tput smul;echo "Scan Profiles:";tput rmul
tput bold;echo -e "[~] Main:";tput sgr0
echo -e "[*] aggr"
echo -e "[*] reg"
echo -e "[*] top 1k"
echo -e "[*] top 10k"
echo -e "[*] aggr+vuln"
echo -e "[*] reg+vuln"
echo -e "[*] top 1k+vuln"
echo -e "[*] top 10k+vuln"
echo -e "[*] udp"
echo -e
tput bold;echo -e "[~] Auxilary:";tput sgr0
echo -e "[*] vuln"
echo -e "[*] quick"
# tput smul;echo "Standalone Utils:";tput rmul
# echo -e "[*] amass"
# echo -e
# tput smul;echo "Module Commands:";tput rmul
# echo -e "[*] list modules"
# echo -e "[*] set module";
echo -e;sleep 0.5

halp_meh_pws (){
tput smul;echo "General Commands:";tput rmul
echo "[*] ping - Verify host is up/accepting ping probes"
echo "[*] help - displays this page"
echo "[*] banner - display banner"
echo "[*] clear - clears screen"
# echo "[*] home - returns to home module"
echo "[*] reset - run this if text is unviewable after a scan"
echo "[*] commands - shows all avaliable commands"
echo "[*] shell - allows you to run commands as if in a terminal"
echo "[*] upgrade - checks to see if any dependencies require an update"
echo "[*] set target - opens prompt to change target IP"
# echo "[*] use [tool] - invokes use of a standalone tool"
echo -e
tput smul;echo "Scan Profiles:";tput rmul
tput bold;echo "[~] Main - These scans are 'the works', enumerate further depending on services discovered ";tput sgr0
echo "[*] aggr - scans all ports aggressively"
echo "[*] reg - scans all ports normally, no scripts and checks only for OS"
echo "[*] top 1k - run a number of scans on the first 1000 ports"
echo "[*] top 10k - runs a number of scans on the first 10000 ports"
echo "[*] aggr+vuln - aggr scan. Also fires off NSE on discovered services searching for known exploits"
echo "[*] reg+vuln - reg scan. Also firing off NSE on discovered services searching for known exploits"
echo "[*] top 1k+vuln - runs the top 1k scans and vuln scan"
echo "[*] top 10k+vuln - runs the top 10k scans and vuln scan"
echo "[*] udp - checks for udp ports"
echo -e
tput bold;echo "[~] Auxiliary - These scans can be run standalone, do not enumerate beyond";tput sgr0
echo "[*] quick - scans with scripts enabled for quick script enumeration"
echo "[*] vuln - searches for services and checks for known exploits"
echo -e;sleep 0.5
# tput smul;echo "Standalone Tools:";tput rmul
# echo "[*] amass - invokes the OWASP amass tool, highly configurable"
# echo -e
# tput smul;echo "Module Commands:";tput rmul
# echo "[*] list modules - prints list of availiable modules"
# echo "[*] set module - opens prompt to move into or change modules

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